Twitch Clone

A simplified clone of the Twitch web application. Twitch is a video streaming web application with a focus on the gaming community. Because this app does not need a backend, this project allowed me to further develop my React/Redux, React Router, CRUD, authentication, and error handling skills.

This app is different from Twitch. With Twitch every user has one stream/channel that they can stream to. In this app, every user can create unlimited channels/streams that they can stream to.

This README includes my thought process and skills learned throughout the project.

This is an ongoing project.

To Run

npm install npm start

Tools Used

Create-React-App React-Router-Dom Redux React-Redux redux-devtools-extension redux-form npm install redux-form@8.1.0 json-server Stephen Grider

App Challenges

  1. Need to be able to navigate around to separate pages in out app
    • Solution - React Router
  2. Need to allow a user to log in and out (authentication)
    • Solution - Google OAuth
  3. Need to hand forms in Redux
    • Solution - practice
  4. Need to master CRUD operations in React/Redux
    • Create, Read, Update, Destroy
  5. Errors will occur! Need good error handling
    • User errors
      • Create Stream name already exists
      • Search for stream does not exist
    • Failed load of video

App Flow

Information/Data Flow

  1. Streamer’s Computer records video with Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) →
    • Video stream + stream key →
  2. API - Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) Server →
    • Separate Web Server that knows which streams are currently broadcasting →
  3. Broadcast Video Feed → Multiple Viewers’ Browser →
  4. Viewers request to get video from RTMP → viewer…

User Functions

  1. Not logged in
    • User can view a list of all stream/channels
    • User can view video for a single stream
  2. Logged in
    • User can create a new stream/channel
    • User can edit a stream/channel they have created
    • User can delete a stream/channel they have created


  1. Streamer (index page)
  2. Streams (stream page)
  3. Login/Logout

Index Page

  1. Streams Header
  2. Card - Someone elses Stream + description
  3. Card - My Stream + description
    • Delete button
      • Route to Delete stream page
        • Card - Delete Stream
          • “Are you sure you want to delete this stream?”
          • Button - Delete
          • Button - Cancel
    • Edit button
      • Route to Edit Stream Page
        • Form - Edit a Stream
        • Input - Title
        • Input - Description
        • Submit button
  4. Create Stream button
    • Route to Create Stream Page
      • Form - Create Stream
      • Input - Title
      • Input - Description
      • Submit button


4 Options

  1. react-router
    • core navigation lib - this is not installed manually
  2. react-router-dom
    • Navigation for dom-based apps
  3. react-router-native
    • navigation for react native apps
  4. react-router-redux
    • bindings with Redux and React Router (not necessary for most apps)

Different Router Types:

  1. BrowserRouter
    • uses everything after the TLD or port as the 'path
  2. HashRouter
    • uses everything after the # as the 'path'
  3. MemoryRouter
    • Doesn't use the URL to track navigation


  1. history - keeps track of the address bar in your browser -->
  2. <BrowserRouter/> - listens to 'history' for changes in URL -->
  3. <Route path="" component={}/>
    • path = "/" exact || "/path" || "path/path/..."
      • first page the app should load
    • component = { componentNameToLoad }

What NOT to Do

  1. put href in anchor tags
  2. Bad navigation:
    • You add an <a/> tag to app with href='/' and click it
    • your browser maked a request to localhost:3000
    • development server responds iwth index.html file
    • PROBLEM: Browser receives index.html file, dumps old HTML file it is showing (incl all of React/Redux state data!)
    • index.html file lists JS files in sript tags - browser downloads and executes these scipts
    • App starts up

What TO do

  1. SOLUTION - use <Link to=""/> instead
    • User wants to navigate to another page in app
    • user click 'Link' tag
    • GOOD: React Router prevents the browser from navigating to the new page and fetching new index.html file!
    • URL still changes
    • 'History' sees updated URL, takes URL and sends it to BrowserRouter
    • BrowserRouter communicates URL to Route components
    • Route components rerender to show new set of components

Wiring up Components to Routes

  1. Create components
  2. import to App
  3. Create Routes within BrowserRouter:
const App = () => {
    return (
                <Route path='/' exact component={component1}/>
                <Route path='/folder1/name1' component={component2} />
                <Route path='/folder1/name2' component={component3} />
  1. Test routes in browser by manually entering routes in browser input

Always Visible Components

Put the component inside the App component -- inside BrowserRouter if it has <Link/> in it

Handling Authentication

Email/Password Authentication with Server


  1. Store a record in a database with the user's email and password
  2. When the user tries to login, compare with what is stored in database
  3. A user is "logged in" when they enter the correct email/pw

Other info

  1. Results in a 'token' that the server can use to make requests on behalf of the user
  2. Usually used when an app needs to access user data when they are not logged in
  3. Difficult to setup because a lot of information about the user needs to be stored

OAuth Authentication with 3rd party


  1. User authenitcates with outside service provider (Google, Linkedin, Facebook, etc.)
  2. User authorizes the app to access their information
  3. Outside provider tells us about the user

Other info

  1. Use a provider that is trusted to correctly handle identification of a user
  2. OAuth can be used for:
    • user identification in the app
    • the app making action on the behalf of the user
  3. API Scopes - limit the amount of information OAuth has on behalf of the user
  4. Results in a 'token' that a browser app can use to make requests on behalf of the user
  5. Usually used when an app only needs access to user data while they are logged in
  6. Very easy to set up because of automated flow

Steps for setting up Google OAuth

  1. Create a new project at
  2. Set up an OAuth confirmation screen
  3. Generate an OAuth Client ID
  4. Install Google's API library, initialize it with the OAuth Client ID
    • add to in index.html :<script src=""></script>
      • gives access to gapi
  5. Make sure the lib gets called any time the user clicks on the 'Login with Google' button

Hook OAuth to Redux

  1. Create Redux folders/files
    • src/actions/index.js
    • src/reducers/index.js
      • import {combineReducers} from 'redux'; export default combineReducers({ replaceMe: ()=> 'xyz'})
  2. update src/index.js
    • Provider form react-redux
    • createStore from redux

Redux General

  1. BEST PRACTICE:src > actions > types.js ==> Put all types of action names here to preven typo errors



  • Root index.js - add this:
// add applyMiddleware, compose to import
import {createStore, applyMiddleware, compose} from 'redux';


// set const after imports
const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose;


// add this to your store function; after reducers

Degug tools

  • The circle icon at the top for the GUI
  • localhost:XXXX/?debug_session=logged_in=yourNameOfChoiceHere will save your info in GUI between reloads


docs -- redux-form is TRICKYYY this app uses the: Synchronous Application Form

Set Up

  • the maintainer made an oopsie and rolled this back to an out dated version
  • use npm install redux-form@8.1.0 to install the latest known good release
  • reducers > index.js add:
    • import { reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form';
    • combineReducers({...form: formReducer})
  • components > StreamCreator
    • import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
    • change to class StreamCreator
    • see code for
      • add reduxForm to export
      • create
      • create renderInput()
      • create onSubmit()
      • BEST PRACTICE: Form Validation; Security and Accuracy

What does Redux Form do?

Redux Form Reducer --> Redux Form mapStateToProps --> props -->   
                ^                                                {DOM stuff handled by react}
                ^-----Redux Form Action Creator <-- handler <--

REST-ful Conventions

Naming Convention: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE (CRUD)

What this app is doing:

Actions Method Route
List all records GET /streams
Get one particular record GET /streams/:id
Create record POST /streams
Update a record PUT /streams/:id
Delete a record DELETE /streams/:id