A Craft Commerce plugin to provide Gift Certificate/Voucher functionality.
- 1
Unable to filter orders by Voucher
#123 opened by billmn - 1
Custom voucher amount throws type error
#122 opened by bymayo - 2
Type Error, wants int
#113 opened by darinlarimore - 5
- 4
- 1
- 10
Empty PDF voucher
#87 opened by JoeriE - 1
Voucher applied multiple times to same order
#119 opened by CMeldgaard - 0
Current amount can exceed original amount
#118 opened by bymayo - 2
- 5
- 2
Voucher plugin with commerce 4 lite not working?
#117 opened by kevinmu17 - 17
- 0
Add support for Toast external provider
#116 opened by engram-design - 2
- 3
Add "expired" status for Code queries
#110 opened by pixelmachine - 0
Allow vouchers to be queryable with GraphQL
#109 opened by StormySan - 4
Thousan values converts to decimal values on save
#102 opened by CMeldgaard - 2
Can't edit vouchers or codes
#103 opened by CMeldgaard - 1
Can't delete Vouchers or Codes
#107 opened by CMeldgaard - 2
Show vouchers in Product fields
#86 opened by pixelmachine - 2
Allow vouchers to have stock
#105 opened by pixelmachine - 2
Allow vouchers to have per-voucher expiry dates
#106 opened by pixelmachine - 1
Cannot assign null to property verbb\giftvoucher\events\PdfEvent::$order of type craft\commerce\elements\Order
#101 opened by CMeldgaard - 1
- 12
- 2
- 2
Cannot assign array to property verbb\giftvoucher\models\Settings::$codeStorage of type string
#98 opened by CMeldgaard - 3
- 3
Saving an order via PHP removes gift voucher
#95 opened by iamkeir - 2
- 2
- 8
- 2
Voucher codes without attached voucher cause error `Attempt to read property "title" on null`
#85 opened by iamkeir - 2
- 1
Add ability to remove vouchers when editing an order in the control panel
#84 opened by engram-design - 48
Voucher is applying twice
#69 opened by ineghi - 3
- 3
Return value of verbb\giftvoucher\elements\Voucher::getPrice() must be of the type float, null returned
#73 opened by CMeldgaard - 2
Voucher amount is not decreasing
#82 opened by nzimelimited - 3
- 2
New Voucher price field required?
#80 opened by smockensturm - 2
New Voucher from Bulk Generate
#79 opened by smockensturm - 13
Before Tax After Tax Register Adjustments
#78 opened by smockensturm - 10
Making the order lineitem reference/link to the Voucher Code rather than the Voucher type.
#77 opened by peteeveleigh - 2
Extend expirery to 36 months
#72 opened by CMeldgaard - 0
- 0
Control e-mail settings per Voucher type
#74 opened by CMeldgaard - 5
Receiving empty emails
#71 opened by CMeldgaard - 0