
Parser for MS NPS DTS/XML RADIUS log files

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Parser for MS NPS dts/xml RADIUS log files

This is just a quick&dirty parser, because I was tired of reading DTS XML log files while troubleshooting a RADIUS login issue. All the parser does at the moment is translating reason codes, packet types and returning powershell objects for every log entry. This allows you to use ?/where in the pipe to search for specific patterns

It is a PowerShell script, because that's what you get on most Windows 2008 R2 servers by default.

Feel free to send me complaints/patches/improvements/ideas ;-)

Known issues

  • Damn slow
  • Reads only one file from command line


  • Read input from pipe
  • Command line parameters for basic filtering/searching ...

Usage Example

PS C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\NPS> .\nps-dts-radius-logparser.ps1 .\iaslog47.log | ? { $_.ClientFriendlyName -eq "NET_NCS" -and $_.SamAccountName -like "*manbearpig*" }
<output omitted>
Timestamp          : 04/19/2012 10:05:21.579
ComputerName       : srvdc001
NpPolicyName       : NP_NET_NCS
ProxyPolicyName    : CRP_NET_NCS
EventSource        : IAS
UserName           :
ClientIpAddress    :
ClientVendor       : 0
ClientFriendlyName : NET_NCS
SamAccountName     : SOUTHPARK\manbearpig
PacketType         : 2
PacketTypeName     : Access-Accept
ReasonCode         : 0
ReasonCodeName     : IAS_SUCCESS
<output omitted>