- 2
Supabase example has duplicate utils for cn.ts
#73942 opened by damiensedgwick - 5
Route "/" used `` instead of using `performance` ... when using TanStack react query and dynamicIO
#73785 opened by spaceo - 0
- 2
Router asPath doesn't match between SSR and CSR
#73892 opened by LineGu - 2
- 2
Image optimizations broken in production for 15.1
#73910 opened by thehonestfarmer - 1
opengraph image does not work when inside a route group
#73854 opened by stefanprobst - 1
Failed to load plugin 'react-hooks' declared in ' » eslint-config-next/core-web-vitals » Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-react-hooks'
#73968 opened by J4v4Scr1pt - 2
Turbopack crashing in dev server after prolonged usage
#73921 opened by soulr344 - 5
React Compiler Causing Hydration Error in Dev Mode When Prop has New Line in Client Component
#73948 opened by sxxov - 0
- 1
Failed to load plugin 'react-hooks' declared in ' » eslint-config-next/core-web-vitals » Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-react-hooks'
#73964 opened by J4v4Scr1pt - 1
- 2
In Next.js version 15.1.0, the middleware is not working. I placed the middleware file under the src directory, at the same level as app.
#73849 opened by Alndaly - 1
Does calling unauthorized() in route handler, render unauthorized.tsx?
#73938 opened by patelvivekdev - 1
Issue: Data Not Updating Properly in Next.js Server Actions
#73815 opened by upangka - 0
- 2
Dynamic Routes not displaying intended page and displaying home page instead
#73822 opened by Harrylever - 4
when css url include '!!', next build is error
#73834 opened by lippzhang - 2
Using Async Tags with Revalidate on Next.js Server Fetch Contaminates JSON Response
#73874 opened by anaclumos - 1
Turbopack crashing in dev server after prolonged usage
#73920 opened by soulr344 - 12
JavaScript heap out of memory during next build (Next 15.1)
#73793 opened by pchab - 0
Support node --conditions/-C as a `NODE_OPTION`.
#73916 opened by Falven - 1
Support node --conditions/-C as a `NODE_OPTION`.
#73915 opened by Falven - 0
- 1
- 1
MDX Plugin String Format resolution doesn't work with ESM plugins with multiple exports
#73757 opened by wesbos - 0
- 0
Cache directive doesn't work with incremental PPR
#73902 opened by focux - 0
:global cannot be used in SASS
#73875 opened by weeptao - 2
- 1
- 1
[PPR][DIO] Dynamic Segment Static Shell is blank
#73819 opened by steve-marmalade - 0
Fetch requests aren't revalidated properly
#73845 opened by TxHawks - 1
Docs: Vitest
#73809 opened by ThiagoGMota - 0
- 0
The link to Server Action's error with Client Component doesn't redirect to the corresponding section
#73817 opened by Javimartel - 1
If you're using Next.js at your company/organization you can share the URL here.
#73812 opened by thanachotnual - 1
### Summary
#73811 opened by thanachotnual - 1
### Goals
#73810 opened by thanachotnual - 0
Docs: Next.js 15 fetch data with an ORM or database route static default
#73808 opened by DevDynasty0 - 0
- 1
- 0
`next dev --turbo` get 404 for `.next/static/chunks/` because of specified `deploymentId` in `next.config.ts`
#73789 opened by LouisCuvelier - 1
Cache handler ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND when using ESM modules
#73796 opened by hdodov - 0
- 1
React Compiler Incompatibility with Next.js and React 19 in a Monorepo Setup
#73784 opened by faradaytrs - 0
Problem with apollographql using turbopack - Unexpected error processing request: TypeError: module.require is not a function
#73779 opened by dincerpece - 0
Error on dynamic parallel route
#73777 opened by jayrick-gacayan - 1
CodeSandbox minimal reproduction example is broken
#73747 opened by mattpodolak