- 0
Docs: Incorrect file extension
#74175 opened by henilshahdev - 0
Calling Server Action in Dynamic Route Resets globalThis, but Not in Static Route
#74204 opened by stevenwang223 - 0
next build isn't detecting generateStaticParams returning empty array in page.tsx
#74201 opened by arnold-wds - 3
- 5
Error: Failed to load font file, Unknown font format when using next/font/local
#74071 opened by milkyfuckinway - 0
- 2
Server action throws when accessing headers if invoked before hydration
#73992 opened by jonathanhefner - 4
- 1
In Next.js 15 with Turbopack mode, the IIFE is not executing as expected, resulting in a strange bug.
#74190 opened by listen936 - 0
Valid `this` in server actions
#74181 opened by maciej-ka - 0
In HTML, <tr> cannot be a child of <table>. This will cause a hydration error.
#74189 opened by RakibulBh - 0
Docs: Unnecessary fiels that causes error on `next/image` Un-configured Host
#74188 opened by mibijoy007 - 0
- 1
Next.js+ React 19 incompatible with the code that was precompiled using react compiler
#74182 opened by faradaytrs - 1
Test coverage failure on imports
#74174 opened by aayushuipath - 0
Next15 + Turbo dev cause `instantiated because it was required from module but the module factory is not available.It might have been deleted in an HMR update.`
#74167 opened by arvinxx - 1
Turbopack does not handle CommonJS modules properly when "type": "commonjs" is specified in package.json
#74062 opened by saoudi-h - 0
- 0
`next.config.ts` breaks when using import aliases
#74140 opened by Larsv94 - 0
[SRI] `integrity` missing for client chunks
#74147 opened by darthmaim - 0
[SRI] `integrity` missing for stylesheets
#74149 opened by darthmaim - 0
Vercel Deployment: Cache Revalidation Failure in Next.js
#74150 opened by gentritbiba - 1
False positive in parallel slot layout type checking: TS71005: "props" is not a valid layout prop.
#74148 opened by tariqkb - 0
[DynamicIO] [Sitemap] Unable to create a cached/static `sitemap.ts` with `use cache`
#74146 opened by mwskwong - 1
`next dev --turbo` error when using `bun.lock` text lockfile
#74082 opened by matallui - 0
- 1
- 0
NextJS 15 Link broken after cache invalidation
#74136 opened by hrazjan - 0
- 0
`next lint` creates .eslintrc.json instead of eslint.config.mjs after deleting initial ESLint config
#74133 opened by uwoobeat - 0
- 1
- 0
Route Handler PATCH export type error in Next.js 15
#74127 opened by shellen - 4
Error: TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE: Unrecognized archive format
#74024 opened by gengooro - 0
Docs: broken links in config-shared.d.ts
#74121 opened by yongholeeme - 0
force-no-store behaves the same as default-no-store
#74109 opened by mattrunyon - 0
Sudo on --experimental-https usage
#74061 opened by MathiasGruber - 1
Issue where Terrace “react” and “react-dom” 19.0.0 versions do not match as “peerDependency” of module
#74063 opened by dnlwllms - 0
Docs: default caching flowchart is not correct
#74053 opened by a89529294 - 1
Builds randomly hanging indefinitely after upgrade to Node 22
#74033 opened by cbovis - 2
Page not revalidated when fetch no longer returns 404
#73973 opened by joostmeijles - 0
Server-actions redirect not HTTP RFC compliant
#74026 opened by Netail - 1
- 0
Docs: Contradiction in caching
#74012 opened by a89529294 - 1
[Debugging] Using turbopack seems to have some translation error on sourcemaps when it encounters encoded url paths.
#74002 opened by theceejay123 - 1
- 1
Using turbopack seems to have some translation error on sourcemaps when it encounters encoded url paths. (using vscode launch.json)
#73998 opened by theceejay123 - 0
- 0
Fast refresh doesn't work for client components containing Chinese characters when using --turbo mode in Next 14
#73980 opened by plimeor - 1
NextJS15 + Styled Components className Hydration Error
#73976 opened by mr-greg