with-prisma example fails to build
max-allan-cgr opened this issue · 0 comments
Verify canary release
- I verified that the issue exists in the latest Turborepo canary release.
Link to code that reproduces this issue
Which canary version will you have in your reproduction?
npm list turbo with-prisma@ /root/my-turborepo `-- turbo@2.3.3
Enviroment information
~/my-turborepo # turbo info
sh: turbo: not found
Did you perhaps mean:
npx turbo info
turbo 2.3.3
Version: 2.3.3
Path to executable: /root/my-turborepo/node_modules/turbo-linux-arm64/bin/turbo
Daemon status: Running
Package manager: npm
Architecture: aarch64
Operating system: linux
WSL: false
Available memory (MB): 7870
Available CPU cores: 10
CI: None
Terminal (TERM): xterm
Terminal program (TERM_PROGRAM): unknown
Terminal program version (TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION): unknown
Shell (SHELL): unknown
stdin: false
### Expected behavior
Successful build without error messages.
### Actual behavior
web:build: Creating an optimized production build ...
web:build: ✓ Compiled successfully
Linting and checking validity of types .Failed to compile.
web:build: ../../packages/database/src/client.ts:3:30
web:build: Type error: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because type 'typeof globalThis' has no index signature.
web:build: 1 | import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
web:build: 2 |
web:build: > 3 | export const prisma = global.prisma || new PrismaClient();
web:build: | ^
web:build: 4 |
web:build: 5 | if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") global.prisma = prisma;
web:build: 6 |
npm error Lifecycle script build
failed with error:
npm error code 1
npm error path /root/my-turborepo/apps/web
npm error workspace web@1.0.0
npm error location /root/my-turborepo/apps/web
npm error command failed
npm error command sh -c next build
web:build: ERROR: command finished with error: command (/root/my-turborepo/apps/web) /usr/local/bin/npm run build exited (1)
web#build: command (/root/my-turborepo/apps/web) /usr/local/bin/npm run build exited (1)
Tasks: 0 successful, 1 total
Cached: 0 cached, 1 total
Time: 5.396s
Failed: web#build
ERROR run failed: command exited (1)
### To Reproduce
docker run -it --entrypoint sh node:18-alpine
npm i turbo@canary
npx create-turbo@latest --example with-prisma
cd my-turborepo
? Where would you like to create your Turborepo? ./my-turborepo
? Which package manager do you want to use? npm
cd my-turborepo
npm run build
### Additional context
Just trying to find an example other than basic that works. react-with-native-web fails as described in another ticket. with-prisma fails as described here.