- 2
Whole package list is printed twice in watch mode
#9538 opened by JonnyBurger - 2
No way to express relation with persistent task
#9423 opened by leo-petrucci - 4
- 0
Warning when using text-based Bun lockfile
#9628 opened by robertherber - 2
Failed to connect to daemon error on macOS
#9394 opened by JoCa96 - 1
- 0
with-docker template run pnpm build again will not work
#9622 opened by semmywong - 1
When a URL is used for `packageManager` field of `package.json`, an error is thrown ("expected to match regular expression")
#9611 opened by pkerschbaum - 1
- 1
- 0
"missing tasks" when using root task + filters
#9619 opened by benjick - 3
- 2
Debugging workspace packages
#9579 opened by Falven - 4
eslint-plugin-turbo not working with Nitro v3
#9571 opened by MickL - 3
`turbo watch`: "discovery failed: bad grpc status code: The operation was cancelled" on macOS case-sensitive volumes
#9536 opened by hrstkatomas - 0
with-prisma example fails to build
#9607 opened by max-allan-cgr - 1
Unnecessary tasks are being run when the target task only exists in some packages
#9589 opened by cjpearson - 2
`watch` should require a task
#9446 opened by dimitropoulos - 0
Incorrect default type package.json for ui package?
#9594 opened by mastoj - 3
/node_modules/.pnpm/turbo-linux-64@2.3.3/node_modules/turbo-linux-64/bin/turbo: line 3: "foo(" must be followed by ) ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 2.
#9588 opened by vaynevayne - 3
Passing the root workspace name as a package to `--filter` does not work as expected
#9578 opened by dstaley - 1
Failed to update turbo from 2.2.3 to 2.3.3 using @turbo/codemod with Yarn 4.5.3
#9596 opened by KuryKat - 1
Asking for the root of the repo to migrate
#9386 opened by praneetscgb - 0
📚 Docs: How to replace --force with new --cache flag
#9453 opened by robinscholz - 1
📚 Docs: Document that inputs is still needed for cache:false and that the daemon checksums every file in the repo, potentially blowing up memory
#9583 opened by gaberudy - 1
📚 Example: add nextjs example with UI using nextjs components + TailwindCSS + Prettier + Stylelint
#9555 opened by sebalaini - 1
📚 Docs: separate organization structure
#9554 opened by yamz8 - 8
Turbo daemon creates / leaves a ton of `<defunct>` processes, accumulating enough sometimes to breach the OS-wide process limit, preventing the creation of any new processes.
#9455 opened by NullVoxPopuli - 2
turbo is not supported on ppc64le architecture
#9537 opened by vinodk99 - 1
- 3
Using a turbo task via `turbo run` to invoke a package.json script that calls `docker compose build` results in a docker build `error: Command failed with exit code 17`
#9540 opened by dainmik - 0
turbo ui flickers when using `tui` if FULL TURBO happens
#9470 opened by GauBen - 1
- 3
Interruptible tasks are terminated without being restarted
#9421 opened by niba - 0
Ensure Linear ticket TURBO-4191 is not missed
#9524 opened by linear - 4
📚 Docs: How to handle pnpm@10.x.x
#9519 opened by jakeleventhal - 0
#9517 opened by anthonyshew - 5
- 11
ModuleBuildError: Module not found & can't resolve local packages on Windows
#9366 opened by kelvinsekx - 9
Windows + TUI has tasks exit with code 3221225786
#9389 opened by chris-olszewski - 1
- 3
📚 Docs: --cache docs confusing
#9481 opened by dipunm - 1
🐛 Bug: fails to compile Next.js app using 'config' module in server component
#9477 opened by asinning - 4
Docs: Nextjs 15 example
#9403 opened by CodingXD - 1
`turbo watch`: Respect `--output-logs`
#9441 opened by fauxbytes - 1
package folders not loading
#9371 opened by Vercjames - 5
vlt package manager is not recognized by turborepo
#9425 opened by hamlim - 6
'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
#9424 opened by shimizu-izumi - 2
Does `--no-daemon` really work?
#9401 opened by JonnyBurger - 1
Error in Next.js with TRPC using Turbopack: Failed to get source map: [Error: Unknown url scheme] { code: 'GenericFailure' }
#9384 opened by KUN1007