- 0
unable to setup ingress for verdaccio service
#168 opened by SarangBS - 0
Update Strategy
#162 opened by h3rmanj - 2
Update the Chart with app version V6.0.0
#152 opened by Hechamon - 2
Helm install verdaccio bug
#129 opened by lingdie - 0
Read-only error on htpasswd file when addUser
#148 opened by andreapigatto - 1
Need a way to change the ingress pathtype
#145 opened by mmosierteamvelocity - 6
- 1
Bug: Log level not picked up
#130 opened by chrisforrette - 7
README is missing Artifact Hub
#14 opened by juanpicado - 8
pod STATUS is CrashLoopBackOff
#77 opened by killinitzero - 2
Crash loop in Kubernetes with Helm
#103 opened by alamothe - 1
Helm install warn --- invalid address
#135 opened by imvishalvyas - 2
Deployment doesn't display package README
#131 opened by deeeed - 1
Update chart to latest verdaccio version
#121 opened by l0ner - 3
Verdaccio plugins not working
#107 opened by bab5470 - 1
Pod status 'Pending'
#106 opened by exipnus - 1
Old appVersion in latest chart
#102 opened by mkhpalm - 4
- 0
Migrating packages doesn't seem to work on k8s
#101 opened by mbareck7 - 1
- 0
- 7
Frequent pod restarts for verdaccio
#90 opened by unacceptable - 4
- 1
podLabels in values breaks chart
#89 opened by blackbass1988 - 1
Problem with basic auth, repeats endlessly
#85 opened by tschale - 6
- 1
Chart not working on package request
#86 opened by emmanuelm41 - 27
- 1
Authentication not possible via Ingress URL
#74 opened by TheVanDoom - 1
- 6
Documentation for Ingress HTTPS options
#63 opened by Splaktar - 2
Support for npm token API
#64 opened by Splaktar - 5
- 2
Mistakes in after-install NOTES
#58 opened by Bec-k - 2
#53 made breaking changes
#55 opened by kimxogus - 42
- 0
- 6
- 2
unexpected error: EACCES: permission denied
#36 opened by masterkain - 4
Website 404
#16 opened by jhonmike - 9
How to update The Heml to use V4
#13 opened by juanpicado - 2
customConfigMap support
#25 opened by tomashejatko - 9
Custom domain for charts
#4 opened by juanpicado