Using Exec ToList() with generic T
Dunsteer opened this issue · 2 comments
Dunsteer commented
I have a problem with executing a stored procedure, It works with a class but does not want to compile with generic type.
Here is my code
List<T> list = null;
.AddParam("max_rv", out IOutParam<byte[]> lastRVFromProcedure)
.Exec(r => list = r.ToList<T>());
And this is the error I get
Error CS1929 'DbDataReader' does not contain a definition for 'ToList' and the best extension method overload 'ParallelEnumerable.ToList(ParallelQuery)' requires a receiver of type 'ParallelQuery'
How do I use InOut params for the procedure?
verdie-g commented
Hello, they are two constraints on the T which are class and new(). See DbDataReaderExtension.ToList
Dunsteer commented
Thanks, I figured it out, maybe you should add it to the summery of the ToList extension