
Template for a bare-bone software project.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT No AttributionMIT-0

A cookiecutter template for software projects


You need to have the cli cookiecutter available in your Python environment. Please see its installation instructions here.


To generate a directory structure for a new project, you can run the following commands in your Python environment.

cookiecutter https://github.com/verdimrc/simple-project-template

Alternatively, you can also clone this repository to use a local template:

# Clone to a local repository in the current directory.
git clone https://github.com/verdimrc/simple-project-template

# The above command creates simple-project-template/ in the current dir.

# Use the local repo to generate project structure
cookiecutter simple-project-template

Project Structure

By using this template, your project is auto-generated as follows:

|-- .editorconfig                # Sample editor config (for IDE / editor that supports this)
|-- .gitattributes               # Sample .gitattributes
|-- .gitleaks.toml               # Sample Gitleaks config (if pre_commit is advanced)
|-- .gitignore                   # Sample .gitignore
|-- .pre-commit-config.yaml      # Sample precommit hooks
|-- LICENSE                      # Boilperplate (auto-generated)
`-- README.md                    # Template for you to customize


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.