- 4
Feature Request: Switch deprecated 'Getwork' protocol (according to slush's pool) to 'Stratum'
#7 opened by vsayer - 2
#28 opened by flygalaxy - 2
no statistics
#27 opened by grifits - 7
RPC (getwork) error
#26 opened by grifits - 1
Error: spu_create(): Function not implemented
#25 opened by grifits - 3
Running the program
#24 opened by grifits - 12
Tuning tips needed
#10 opened by devurandom - 0
Can you give precompiled deb?
#23 opened by kodxana - 0
/root/cellminer/cellminer.rb:144:in `run': can't convert nil into String (TypeError)
#22 opened by c0deisme - 0
- 1
Ruby miner?
#20 opened by ryana - 1
- 1
[PATCH] Specifying just --username results in undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
#9 opened by devurandom - 4
- 2
cellminer.rb:136: [BUG] Segmentation fault
#6 opened by sulewski - 1
spu_create(): Function not implemented
#5 opened by tdaugaard