Simple episode countdown display (i.e. "when will the next episode air?") built with vuejs.
We're using Episodate to fetch the air-dates of the next episodes.
To track your own shows, change the IDs in ec.js
function getMyShows(container){
//Change the IDs here:
var myIds = ["4702","42797","30353","11020","12804","14913","15117"];
for (var i = 0; i < myIds.length; i++) {
var showId = myIds[i];
You can find out the ID of a show by using the api search or show details method. Look for the property id
"tvShow": {
"id": 29560,
"name": "Arrow",
"permalink": "arrow",
"url": "",
"description": "Arrow is an American television series..."
/*more properties...*/
➡️ The ID is 29560