credit to chatgpt for this lol

1. Curriculum Stages

This table defines various stages in the curriculum, e.g., Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3.

  • stage_id: A unique identifier for each curriculum stage.
  • name: The name of the curriculum stage.
  • description: A brief description of the stage.


INSERT INTO curriculum_stages (name, description) VALUES
('Key Stage 2', 'Primary education for Year 3 to Year 6'),
('Key Stage 3', 'Secondary education for Year 7 to Year 11');

2. School Years

Defines the year groups within each curriculum stage.

  • year_id: A unique identifier for each school year.
  • stage_id: Refers to the corresponding curriculum stage.
  • year_name: The name of the school year.


INSERT INTO school_years (stage_id, year_name) VALUES
(1, 'Year 3'),
(1, 'Year 4'),
(2, 'Year 7');

3. Subjects

Defines the different subjects that are taught, e.g., Maths, English.

  • subject_id: A unique identifier for each subject.
  • name: The name of the subject.


INSERT INTO subjects (name) VALUES ('Maths'), ('English');

4. Skill Categories

Represents categories of skills within each subject, e.g., Whole Numbers in Maths.

  • category_id: A unique identifier for each skill category.
  • subject_id: Refers to the related subject.
  • name: The name of the skill category.
  • description: A brief description of the category.


INSERT INTO skill_categories (subject_id, name, description) VALUES
(1, 'Whole Numbers', 'Skills related to whole numbers');

5. Specific Skills

Details specific skills within each skill category, e.g., Rounding, Roman Numerals.

  • skill_id: A unique identifier for each specific skill.
  • category_id: Refers to the related skill category.
  • name: The name of the specific skill.
  • description: A brief description of the skill.


INSERT INTO specific_skills (category_id, name, description) VALUES
(1, 'Rounding', 'Rounding whole numbers'),
(1, 'Roman Numerals', 'Understanding Roman numerals');

6. Year Subject Curriculum

Connects subjects to specific year groups, defining what subjects are taught in each year.

  • id: A unique identifier.
  • year_id: Refers to the related year group.
  • subject_id: Refers to the related subject.


INSERT INTO year_subject_curriculum (year_id, subject_id) VALUES
(1, 1),
(3, 1);

7. Students

Holds information about individual students.

  • student_id: A unique identifier for each student.
  • name: The student's name.
  • age: The student's age.
  • persona_id: Refers to the student's persona (if any).
  • state_id: Refers to the student's emotional state (if any).
  • style_id: Refers to the student's learning style (if any).


INSERT INTO students (name, age) VALUES
('Alice', 11),
('Bob', 12);

8. Student Progress

Tracks the progress of individual students within specific skills.

  • progress_id: A unique identifier for each progress record.
  • student_id: Refers to the related student.
  • year_id: Refers to the related year group.
  • category_id: Refers to the related skill category (if any).
  • skill_id: Refers to the related specific skill (if any).
  • SmartScore: The student's SmartScore for the related skill.


INSERT INTO student_progress (student_id, year_id, category_id, skill_id, SmartScore) VALUES
(1, 3, 1, 1, 85),
(2, 3, 1, 2, 90);

9. Student Persona

Defines different student personas, representing typical behavioral patterns or learning needs.

  • persona_id: A unique identifier for each persona.
  • name: The name of the persona.
  • description: A brief description of the persona.


INSERT INTO student_persona (name, description) VALUES
('Visual Learner', 'Learns best through visual aids');

10. Emotional States

Represents various emotional states that might affect a student's learning.

  • state_id: A unique identifier for each state.
  • name: The name of the state.
  • description: A brief description of the



INSERT INTO emotional_states (name, description) VALUES
('Happy', 'Content and motivated'),
('Frustrated', 'Struggling with a concept');

11. Learning Styles

Defines different learning styles, representing how a student learns best.

  • style_id: A unique identifier for each learning style.
  • name: The name of the learning style.
  • description: A brief description of the learning style.


INSERT INTO learning_styles (name, description) VALUES
('Visual', 'Prefers visual aids'),
('Auditory', 'Prefers auditory explanations');

12. Questions

Defines questions that are used to assess students' understanding of specific skills.

  • question_id: A unique identifier for each question.
  • skill_id: Refers to the related specific skill.
  • difficulty_level: The difficulty level of the question (e.g., 1 to 5).
  • text: The text of the question.


INSERT INTO questions (skill_id, difficulty_level, text) VALUES
(1, 2, 'Round 123 to the nearest tens'),
(2, 3, 'Convert 14 to Roman numerals');

13. Student Answers

Holds the students' answers to the questions.

  • answer_id: A unique identifier for each answer.
  • question_id: Refers to the related question.
  • student_id: Refers to the related student.
  • correct: Indicates whether the answer is correct.
  • response_time: The time taken to answer the question.


INSERT INTO student_answers (question_id, student_id, correct, response_time) VALUES
(1, 1, true, '00:01:00'),
(2, 2, false, '00:02:00');

14. Student Collaboration

Tracks students' collaboration on projects or activities, rewarding them with collaboration points.

  • collaboration_id: A unique identifier for each collaboration.
  • student_id: Refers to the related student.
  • description: A brief description of the collaboration.
  • points: The points awarded for the collaboration.


INSERT INTO student_collaboration (student_id, description, points) VALUES
(1, 'Worked on a team project', 5);

15. Skill Relationships

Defines relationships between different skills, e.g., one skill may be a prerequisite for another.

  • relationship_id: A unique identifier for each relationship.
  • skill_id_1: Refers to the first related skill.
  • skill_id_2: Refers to the second related skill.
  • relationship_type: The type of relationship (e.g., 'prerequisite').


INSERT INTO skill_relationships (skill_id_1, skill_id_2, relationship_type) VALUES
(1, 2, 'prerequisite');

Relationships and Algorithm Interaction

  1. Student Progress and Personalization: The tables students, student_persona, emotional_states, and learning_styles work together to provide a personalized learning experience. The algorithm can consider these aspects to tailor the learning path.
  2. Skills Management: The tables subjects, skill_categories, specific_skills, and skill_relationships are interrelated and allow the system to define and manage the hierarchy of learning skills and their relationships.
  3. Assessment and Collaboration: The tables questions, student_answers, and student_collaboration are involved in assessing students' understanding and encouraging collaboration. The algorithm can use this information for scoring and identifying areas for improvement.
  4. Curriculum Management: The tables curriculum_stages, school_years, and year_subject_curriculum enable the system to define and manage the overall curriculum structure, aligning it with various subjects and year groups.

By linking all these aspects, the schema provides a comprehensive and flexible foundation for a modern, personalized educational system that can adapt to individual student needs, track progress, and foster collaboration.