
My dotfiles, and setup for a new macOS machine

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This is a project created for syncing as much of my MacOS dev machine configuration as possible


  • git
    • If you intend on checking out this repo using SSH, an SSH key configured and added to your github
  • On MacOS, brew for package installation

Installation - dotfiles

  • This is based off of Atlassian's bare dotfile repo implementation
  • Open a shell, and bare clone this repo into the .dotfiles directory
    • git clone --bare git@github.com:verhey/dotfiles.git $HOME/.dotfiles
  • Define the following alias in your shell:
    • alias dotfiles='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
  • Checkout the content from the bare repo into your home folder:
    • dotfiles checkout
    • If this fails, delete any dotfiles that may conflict, or back them up
    • Try dotfiles checkout again, and you should see the files in the root of this repo end up in your home dir
  • To make dotfiles status output useful, set local config for this repo to ignore untracked files (as in, the rest of your home dir)
    • dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no


  • If you (or another application has modified a dotfile) and you want to update it here, the dotfiles alias you set up in previous steps works just like git does.
    • Your status command is somewhat nerfed, because you don't want to be tracking every file in your home directory, but you can still do the following:

Installation - Brewfiles and MacOS setup

  • From the install/macos directory:
    • brew bundle to install contents of Brewfile
    • zsh zshsetup to install oh-my-zsh, a few plugins, and get yourself up to date with what the checked in .zshrc is expecting
      • If you are encountering errors in the shell after cloning this repo, make sure you've run this script
    • Manually install :( the recommended fonts for the powerlevel10k zsh theme
      • If you have any suggestions on how to do this programmatically, let me know!
    • zsh configure_macos to configure MacOS-specific settings
      • This is WIP-y, Apple seems to change what works and what doesn't with every MacOS version
      • If this fails before completing, you may need to manually run the two iterm2 related commands at the bottom of the file
    • You may need to use the iterm2 GUI to import the profiles.json file found in install/macos/iterm2