Step1 contains simple example of elasticstack with a logstash configuration based on PlayerProfile use case
Step2 contains simple example of elasticstack with filebeats
Step3 contains a more complex example based on the PROD infrastucture integrated with rsyslogd
| +---elasticsearch
| | +---data
| | +---settings
| +---kibana
| +---logstash
| +---logs
| +---pipeline
| +---settings
| +---elasticsearch
| | +---data
| | +---settings
| +---filebeat
| +---kibana
| +---log
| +---logstash_server
| | +---pipeline
| | +---settings
| +---tomcat
| +---war
| +---data
| +---settings
| +---logs
| +---pipeline
| +---pipeline
| +---settings
| +---pipeline
| +---settings
enter one folder (e.g. step1) then issue the command
docker-compose up -d
docker will download images and start up containers with the given configuration.
- KIBANA: 5601
- TOMCAT: 8080