
This repository will help you install Portainer with Traefik and Let's Encrypt with much ease!

Portainer + Traefik w/ Let's Encrypt

This repository will help you set up Portainer served by Traefik over HTTPS (Let's Encrypt)

Make sure that Docker Engine & Docker compose are installed in your server


Simply git clone the repository into your server's directory.

git clone https://github.com/AxelPina/portainer-traefik-letsencrypt.git

Apply permissions to be able to edit the .env.

Then fill the .env file with your credentials and your domain:

  • ACME_EMAIL is the email address which will be used when registering the certificate at Let's Encrypt.
  • ODOO_TRAEFIK_URL is the hostname which Traefik will listen to route requests.


cd portainer-traefik-letsencrypt
docker-compose up -d

NOTE: Traefik will automatically renew the certificate every 3 months.

Exposing Docker sockets via portainer-agent (Optional)

Add the portainer/agent service to your Docker Compose stack on the host you want to manage, reup the stack with docker-compose up -d and then in the manager host, just connect to the WAN IP which has port 9001 forwarded in Portainer.

    image: portainer/agent
    container_name: portainer_agent
      - "9001:9001"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro  # Mount with read-only access
      - /var/lib/docker/volumes:/var/lib/docker/volumes:ro  # Mount with read-only access
    restart: always