
Contract for the VERIFIED project

Primary LanguageSolidity

Ownership of web2 social media profiles verified on-chain.

This main contract can be found live on the BSC testnet :



This contract requires a transfer of $LINK to operate (0.1 for the requestVerification() method and 0.1 per each call of the verify() method)

⚠️ Do not transfer $LINK directly to the contract, use the ERC677 transferAndCall() method

Recommended usage

The recommended way of interaction with the contract is to use the following dapp : verified.nescrypto.com

Manual usage for URL verification

  • 1: transferAndCall() to transfer $LINK tokens to the contract balance
  • 2: requestVerification() to create the request
  • 3: subscribe for the ValidationUpdate() event to get the randomly-generated challenge
  • 4: verify() to finalize the process
  • 5: subscribe to the VerificationResult() event to get the verification result

Manual usage for getting a verification report

  • 1: getVerificationsForAddress(address) with a valid BSC Testnet address
  • 2: subscribe to the VerificationForAddress() event to get each verification

Notes if you wish to deploy this contract

  • at deploy the contract creates a VRF subscription, its recommended to manually transfer at least 1 $LINK at deploy, to avoid issues with getting "pending" stuck RNG requests