
Learn Network automation step by step,No rush,Enjoy the journey !

Welcome !

Author: Verlaine_Devnet

Why learn like carl ?

Carl is a devnet comic who learns network automation following different phases,Automation is the next big thing neglected by network engineers and some companies ! the fear to do things differently,leads engineers to neglect,for others it is like a threat to their tradional skills !

Network outages,Humans errors ! How many times did you heard a bad new in the industry from a great tech company ? Discover here Oren brigg Cisco Meraki PM in San francisco shares an insightful blog on Network Automation https://blogs.cisco.com/developer/embrace-change-network-engineer

Learn like carl ! learning network automation requires a great investment of your time 🙄,it may take you 6 months of concentration to master the basics,sometimes 1 to 2 years,do not rush,enjoy the journey !

your learning journey is not a race,Be yourself,Learn daily,Practice daily 💻

To start your automation journey with Devnet : https://developer.cisco.com/startnow/

Phases Topics Notes
1 Python,Rest apis,Json/Xml,Git/Github foundational
2 Linux skills,Ansible,Docker,Netconf/Yang foundational
3 Linux networking ,Container networking,NFV Advanced
4 Network controllers,Cloud networking,DevOps Advanced

Top 3 Books to start with

1.Network programmability and automation fundamentals https://www.ciscopress.com/store/network-programmability-and-automation-fundamentals-9781587145148 by Khaled abuelenain ,Jeff doyle, Anton karneliuk, Vinit jain,to me this is the best book to start your automation journey no matter your level,the way the authors explain things is just insightful and inspiring,the book teaches real life scenarios you can go far with your hands on experience following different labs.

2.Devnet associate 200-901 https://www.ciscopress.com/store/cisco-certified-devnet-associate-devasc-200-901-official-9780136642961 by Chris jackson,Jason gooley, Adrian iliesu, Ashutosh Malegaonkar,to me this is the second best book following the automation journey from a beginner perspective,the content is insightful,if you lab daily you can polish your skills.

3.Automate your Network https://www.amazon.com/Automate-Your-Network-Introducing-Enterprise/dp/1799237885 by John Capobianco you cannot talk about network automation without mentioning the maestro 😄,he is a role model to many people in the industry including me 😉 ,to me this is the best third book in my learning journey from a beginnner perspective.

Happy Learning !

Go to Phase1:Python,Rest apis,Json/Xml,Git/Github