
Test LazyLoad in WebPack build

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Test usage of LazyLoad as es2015 module in a WebPack build.


Install LazyLoad with the command

npm install vanilla-lazyload

Or install a specific version with

npm install vanilla-lazyload@{{version}}


The best solution which works out of the box is to use the ES6 module syntax (aka ESM), and import LazyLoad like the following:

import LazyLoad from "vanilla-lazyload";

const lazyLoadOptions = {/* your options here */};
const pageLazyLoad = new LazyLoad(lazyLoadOptions);

See lazyload-init.js for an example, or go to LazyLoad's readme file for documentation.

If using the ESM syntax isn't possible for you and you wish to continue using the CJS require syntax, read usage as CommonJS module below.


Configure the build script in your package.json like the following:

	"scripts": {
		"build": "webpack"

Then, in your terminal, run:

npm run build


To see the result, open the dist/index.html file.

That's it!

Usage as CommonJS module

In case you want to import LazyLoad using the require directive, you must configure WebPack to load the scripts from the package.json's main fields instead. More info.

So edit your webpack.config.js file and add or edit the resolve.mainFields setting to ["main", "browser", "module"] like follows:

module.exports = {
	// other configuration fields here
	resolve: {
		mainFields: ["main", "browser", "module"]

This tells WebPack to resolve your requires to the packages main field, which must contain contains the UMD version of the installed modules. More info.

For an example usage, see the commonJS branch on this very repo.