
Buildbot infrastructure

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Production Runs

Production runs of Ansible take place on the host or jail to be configured, as the {{service_user}}, with a command line such as

ansible-playbook local.yml --vault-password=~/.vault-password

This playbook automatically determines which host it's runnning on based on the hostname and configures it accordingly. Supply host-specific variables in group_vars/$hostname.


To bootstrap a newly-installed system, use ./bootstrap HOSTNAME. Before running the script, ensure:

  • The basic system is installed (FreeBSD 10.0+) on the host
  • Networking for the host is fully configured
  • The hostname (uname -n) of the host is set correctly
  • The root password is known (or SSH keys set up)
  • Ssh access for 'root' is enabled (PermitRootLogin yes; note that this is not the default!)
  • You know the vault password


Development is made easier with Vagrant.

First install 3 vagrant box with FreeBSD 10.3. Each of them representing one of the hw hosts:

vagrant up

Those vagrant boxes will be used to host all jails as it is in prod. vagrant up will run the Ansible script for all those 3 boxes, and create all the jails. The jails will not be fully provisioned though (they only will be provisioned with ssh and vagrant user). You need to run Ansible on each of those jails to actually activate the services.

Internal network is mapped to the virtualbox host's network, so you can connect to the jails using their ip address.

Difference between prod are:

  • sshd is enabled in jails
  • a vagrant user is added in jail, which can be connected using the identity file that vagrant generated to create the host (.vagrant/machines/<host>/virtualbox/private_key)
  • connection is over ssh
  • ansible-pull is disabled
  • keep only internal network ip addresses

To setup all jails on your dev system just run:

ansible-playbook --vault-password=~/.vault-password -i vagrant_inventory.py vagrant.yml

But it is preferable to only run Ansible for the jail you are working on:

ansible-playbook --vault-password=~/.vault-password -i vagrant_inventory.py vagrant.yml -l ns1

vagrant_inventory.py will automatically figure out which jail needs to be connected to, and with which ssh key

To use development secrets (which may be unencrypted), create dev-secrets.yml and invoke Ansible with -e secrets_file=dev-secrets.yml.

Development with proxies

Because of https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=212452 the vagrant boostrap will not work when your environment requires http proxies to access internet.

In that case, during VM creation phase, vagrant will indefinitly try to connect via ssh.

  • You need to attach to the VM using virtualbox UI, and go to the freebsd console.

  • Hit CTRL-C will stop the firstboot script and give you login prompt

  • Use root:vagrant as login:password

  • Type following in the console:

    setenv http_proxy http://xxx
    pkg install -y sudo
  • then you can run vagrant provision again

You need to do this setup for the three hosts VMs. Once this is done the environment variables http_proxy, https_proxy, and https_proxy are copied inside the Ansible run for the commands that needs internet access.


Secrets are stored in secrets.yml in the top-level directory, which is encrypted with ansible-vault. To run Ansible with these production secrets, you will need to supply a shared vault password.

All secrets are loaded into Ansible variables. By convention, these variables should be named with the prefix secret_.

You can edit the secrets with ansible-vault edit secrets.yml.

Other files

This repository contains a few files unrelated to Ansible:

  • buildbot.asc - Buildbot Release Team Keyring
  • scripts/ - some scripts not under configuration management yet