The Iowa Hacker Workshop

The point of this project is to plan and create a space in downtown iowa city dedicated to fostering the local tech community and ecosystem. Let's say you were given absolute creative control...what does it look like?

The place for everyone curious about technology to come and hang out. The place we all technology people love. A place to learn, to teach and grow ideas together.

We’ve been typing in suggestions for this here, and we invite everyone to come and contribute to building up that perfect space (just send a pull request).

The list so far

  • Gigabit Internet, Water and Electricity
  • Hire a carpenter to hack the place.
  • 24Hrs
  • Open floor plan
  • Coffee + Pop + Bar
  • Open Source Planing (this and potential projects).
  • Monthly or bi-weekly talks by well know (I mean like for real) hackers.
  • White walls, colorful couches. Whiteboards everywhere with decent sound isolation.
  • Provide awesome movable workstations if one is so inclined.(Power and Ethernet outlets on the ceiling).
  • Provide a closet of awesome noise isolation headphones if someone wants to work.
  • Have local businesses bring their technology for people to hack on (software or hardware).
  • Conversation corners, want to talk about something, join a corner.
  • Have people from your own company come and hang out, bring projects for people to work on. Meet potential hires.
  • Mood projection (awesome night time lighting and projector art, equipment and tools for electric / hardware / media projects in general).
  • Feedback from visitors about stuff creating stuff
  • Leaderboards for several competitions (programming or general).
  • Bike Rack
  • Minecraft blocks for furniture, lamps, tables, seating etc.



Some of the related stuff: