Welcome to our Course on Spring MVC. Go to Step wise details to understand all the concepts you would learn in this course. We have all the code at the end of each step in (Step01.md, Step02.md, Step37.md). Also present are some zip files with code at the end of some steps(Step07.zip to Step37.zip).
- The First 7 Steps of this course are available for free on YouTube.
- The entire course with 37 Steps is available on Udemy
- Running examples
- Course Overview
- Steps 1 to 7 : Build a normal Web Application
- Steps 11 to 37 : Use Spring MVC to Build Your First Web Application
- Step wise details
- Exercises
- About in28Minutes
You will learn about
- DispatcherServlet
- Basic Todo Management Application with Login/Logout
- Model, Controllers, ViewResolver and Filters
- Forms - DataBinding, Validation
- Annotation based approach - @RequestParam, @PathVariable, @ModelAttribute, @SessionAttributes etc
- Bootstrap to style the page
- Spring Security
- Internationalization
- Exception Handling
- Basic REST Services
- Understand Basics of HTTP
- HttpRequest - GET/POST, Request Parameters
- HTTP Response - Response Status - 404,200,500 etc
- Introduction to JSP, Servlets, Scriptlets and EL
- HTML Form - Method, Action & Form Data
- Understand Basics of using Maven, Tomcat and Eclipse
- Using Request Attributes for passing Model between Servlet and View
- Step 11 : Configure application to use Spring MVC
- Step 12 : First Spring MVC Controller, @ResponseBody, @Controller
- Step 13 : Redirect to Login JSP - LoginController, @ResponseBody and View Resolver
- Step 14 : DispatcherServlet and Log4j
- Step 15 : Show userid and password on the welcome page - ModelMap and @RequestParam
- Step 16 : LoginService and Remove all JEE Servlets based code
- Step 17 : Spring Auto-wiring and Dependency Management - @Autowired and @Service
- Step 18 : Create TodoController and list-todos.jsp. Make TodoService a @Service and inject it.
- Step 19 : Web Application Architecture
- Step 20 : More about Spring Framework
- Step 21 : Session vs Model vs Request - @SessionAttributes
- Step 22 : New Todo and redirect to a Controller
- Step 23 : JSTL
- Step 24 : Bootstrap - using Webjars
- Step 25 : Let's delete a Todo
- Step 26 : Use Bootstrap to format and add HTML5 Validations
- Step 27 : Introduce JSR 349 Validations using Hibernate Validator - First Command Bean.
- Step 28 : Let's update a Todo
- Step 29 : Let's add a Target Date for Todo - Use initBinder to Handle Date Fields
- Step 30 : Navigation bar and JSP Fragments
- Step 31 : Let's prepare for Spring Security
- Step 32 : Initial Setup for Spring Security
- Step 33 : Refactor and add Logout Functionality using Spring Security
- Step 34 : Exception Handling in Spring MVC - @ControllerAdvice, @ExceptionHandler and error-page in web.xml
- Step 35 : Let's add Internationalization - i18n
- Step 36 : Basic Spring Rest Services - @RestController and jackson-databind
- Step 37 : More Rest Services - @PathVariable
- For taking this course, you should already know Java.
- We expect NO prior experience with web development using Java.
- We expect NO prior experience with Spring.
- If you are downloading the zip file, unzip the file
- Open Command Prompt and Change directory to folder containing pom.xml
- Run command "mvn tomcat7:run"
- For help : user our installation guide - https://github.com/in28minutes/SpringIn28Minutes/blob/master/InstallationGuide-JavaEclipseAndMaven_v2.pdf
- Step01.md : Up and running with a web app in Tomcat
- Step02.md : First JSP
- Step03.md : Adding a GET Parameter name
- Step04.md : Adding another Get Parameter Password
- Step05.md : Lets add a form
- Step06.md : New Form and doPost
- Step07.md : Adding Password, validation of userid/password
- Split TodoController into different Controllers
- Use same TodoController for both updates and new todo
- Functionality to mark a Todo as complete
- Unit Tests - WTF - why are they not here in the first set?
- At in28Minutes, we ask ourselves one question everyday. How do we create more effective trainings?
- We use Problem-Solution based Step-By-Step Hands-on Approach With Practical, Real World Application Examples.
- Our success on Udemy and Youtube (2 Million Views & 12K Subscribers) speaks volumes about the success of our approach.
- While our primary expertise is on Development, Design & Architecture Java & Related Frameworks (Spring, Struts, Hibernate) we are expanding into the front-end world (Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS).
- Best Course are interactive and fun.
- Foundations for building high quality applications are best laid down while learning.
- Problem Solution based Step by Step Hands-on Learning
- Practical, Real World Application Examples.
- We use 80-20 Rule. We discuss 20% things used 80% of time in depth. We touch upon other things briefly equipping you with enough knowledge to find out more on your own.
- We will be developing a demo application in the course, which could be reused in your projects, saving hours of your effort.
- All the code is available on Github, for most steps.
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