Deploying an MSK (Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka) cluster to AWS using SAM (AWS Serverless Application Model)
The CloudFormation (CF) template was based on a combination of:
- the CF "Get Started With Amazon MSK" template
- the MSK "Getting Started" instructions
- a CloudFormer-generated template built using the resources created during completion of the "Getting Started" instructions
The main changes from the "Get Started With Amazon MSK" template are:
- Add serverless transform for SAM
- the instance provisioning has been paired back to the bare minimum to keep costs down
- the AMI can be passed in and defaults to one in eu-west-2 (London ting)
- Tags and names are prepended with the stack name
- The bash script for the client instance has been simplified (no python shenanigans)
- Deploy the stack (you will need to provide the name of an existing EC2 key pair here)
sam deploy --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_IAM --guided
- ssh into the client instance once it is ready
- Configure the aws cli (See here for more about this)
aws configure
From here, you should be able to follow the instructions from point 8 of the Getting Started Create a topic step onwards to start producing and consuming messages! Note that kafka will reside in ~/kafka/kafka_2.12-2.2.1/