
Flask-based REST API template for deployment on uberspace

Primary LanguagePython


Basic REST API using Flask, Flask-RESTful, Flask-Marshmallow, and Flask-SQLAlchemy.

All endpoints return JSON formatted output.

All endpoints return the actual data encapsulated in the data key, e.g.


Endpoints / Ressources



The /users endpoint provides the User ressource.

HTTP Method URI Action
GET /users Retrieve list of users
GET /users/[id] Retrieve a user
POST /users Create a new user
PUT /users/[id] Update an existing user
DELETE /users/[id] Delete a user


The /departments endpoint provides the Department ressource.

HTTP Method URI Action
GET /departments Retrieve list of departments
GET /departments/[id] Retrieve a department
POST /departments Create a new department
PUT /departments/[id] Update an existing department
DELETE /departments/[id] Delete a department

Users within a Department

Users may have a relation to a Deparment (see app/models.py).

HTTP Method URI Action
GET /departments/[id]/users Retrieve a list of users for a department


All endpoints that return a list of entities support pagination.


For controlling the pagination there are currently two paramters in place. Both paramters can be passed as URL parameters (e.g. /users?limit=5&offset=2).

  • limit: Number of requested results per response/page
  • offset: Offset of requested results

Response format

Every endpoint which supports pagination is indicating this by returning some info about its size.

  • total: Total number of entities within the ressource