
a reporter for jest that saves test results to json file

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jest JSON Reporter

Greenkeeper badge

A reporter for jest that saves test results to JSON file.


yarn add --dev jest-json-reporter2


Add the following config to your jest.config.js or the Jest configuration in the package.json.

// default options
const jsonreporter2Options = {
  outputDir = './coverage', // what directory to output to
  outputFile = 'test-results.json',  // what to call the file
  fullOutput = false // to output the full results from Jest or consolidated results

module.exports = {
  rootDir: process.cwd(),
  // ...other config

  // without options
  reporters: ['jest-json-reporter2']

  // with options
  reporters: [['jest-json-reporter2', jsonreporter2Options]]

Full or Consolidated Output

We give you the option to output the full results returned by Jest or a consolidated view. See the options above to see how to flip between outputs.

Consolidated Output

  "suites": {
    "failed": 0,
    "skipped": 1,
    "success": 2
  "tests": {
    "failed": 0,
    "skipped": 1,
    "success": 2
  "startTime": 1520435906852,

Full Output

  "numFailedTestSuites": 0,
  "numFailedTests": 0,
  "numPassedTestSuites": 1,
  "numPassedTests": 1,
  "numPendingTestSuites": 0,
  "numPendingTests": 0,
  "numRuntimeErrorTestSuites": 0,
  "numTotalTestSuites": 1,
  "numTotalTests": 1,
  "snapshot": {
    "added": 0,
    "didUpdate": false,
    "failure": false,
    "filesAdded": 0,
    "filesRemoved": 0,
    "filesUnmatched": 0,
    "filesUpdated": 0,
    "matched": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchecked": 0,
    "uncheckedKeys": [],
    "unmatched": 0,
    "updated": 0
  "startTime": 1520435906852,
  "success": false,
  "testResults": [
      "console": null,
      "failureMessage": null,
      "numFailingTests": 0,
      "numPassingTests": 1,
      "numPendingTests": 0,
      "perfStats": {
        "end": 1520435908707,
        "start": 1520435907548
      "snapshot": {
        "added": 0,
        "fileDeleted": false,
        "matched": 0,
        "unchecked": 0,
        "unmatched": 0,
        "updated": 0,
        "uncheckedKeys": []
      "testFilePath": "/Users/who/dir/__tests__/index.js",
      "testResults": [
          "ancestorTitles": [],
          "duration": 8,
          "failureMessages": [],
          "fullName": "it should call the post route with the proper data",
          "location": null,
          "numPassingAsserts": 0,
          "status": "passed",
          "title": "it should call the post route with the proper data"
      "sourceMaps": {},
      "skipped": false,
      "leaks": false
  "wasInterrupted": false