Dgraph Lambda is a serverless platform for running JS on Slash GraphQL (or Dgraph).
A script looks something like this. There are two ways to add a resolver
which recieves{ parent, args }
and returns a single valueaddMultiParentGraphQLResolver
which received{ parents, args }
and should return an array of results, each result matching to one parent. This method will have much better performance if you are able to club multiple requests together
If the query is a root query/mutation, parents will be set to [null]
const fullName = ({ parent: { firstName, lastName } }) => `${firstName} ${lastName}`
async function todoTitles({ graphql }) {
const results = await graphql('{ queryTodo { title } }')
return results.data.queryTodo.map(t => t.title)
"User.fullName": fullName,
"Query.todoTitles": todoTitles,
async function reallyComplexDql({parents, dql}) {
const ids = parents.map(p => p.id);
const someComplexResults = await dql(`really-complex-query-here with ${ids}`);
return parents.map(parent => someComplexResults[parent.id])
"User.reallyComplexProperty": reallyComplexDql
First launch dgraph and load it with the todo schema (and add a todo or two).
type User {
id: ID!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
fullName: String @lambda
type Todo {
id: ID!
title: String
type Query {
todoTitles: [String] @lambda
# host.docker.internal may not work on old versions of docker
docker run -it --rm -p 8686:8686 -v /path/to/script.js:/app/script.js -e DGRAPH_URL=http://host.docker.internal:8080 dgraph/dgraph-lambda
Note for linux: host.docker.internal doesn't work on older versions of docker on linux. You can use DGRAPH_URL=
Then test it out with the following curls
curl localhost:8686/graphql-worker -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"resolver":"User.fullName","parents":[{"firstName":"Dgraph","lastName":"Labs"}]}'
We are trying to make the environment match the environment you'd get from ServiceWorker.
- fetch
- graphql / dql
- base64
- crypto - should test this
If you would like to add libraries, then use webpack --target=webworker to compile your script. We'll fill out these instructions later.
You can import @slash-graph/lambda-types to get types for addGraphQLResolver
and addGraphQLMultiParentResolver
Currently, this uses node context to try and make sure that users aren't up to any fishy business. However, contexts aren't true security, and we should eventually switch to isolates. In the meanwhile, we will basically have kube kill this if it takes a lot of CPU for say 5 secs
Currently, the publishing of this isn't automated. In order to publish:
- Publish the types in slash-graphql-lambda-types if needed with (npm version minor; npm publish)
- The docker-image auto publishes, but pushing a tag will create a tagged version that is more stable