
Code and data accompanying our *SEM 2023 paper "Representation of Lexical Stylistic Features in Language Models' Embedding Space".

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code and data accompanying our paper "Representation of Lexical Stylistic Features in Language Models' Embedding Space" to appear at *SEM 2023.

Get started

We suggest using miniconda/conda to set up the environment. The environment.yml file specifies the minimal dependencies. You can create a virtual environment using it according to this guildeline.

Essentially, you'll need to do something like:

cd /path/to/Lexical-Stylistic-Features
conda env create -f ./environment.yml --prefix ./envs

Afterwards, you'll also need to manually install the en-core-web-md==3.5.0 English pipeline for spaCy using this command, since it doesn't allow automatic installation with conda.

Repository Structure

Here's a brief description of the repository structure and the function of each file.

  • environment.yml: The conda environment file.
  • data/: The data files.
    • complexity/: The data for complexity extraction.
      • dvecs/: The vectors representing complexity, generated from each configuration (see configuration/ below): e.g. bert-base-multilingual-uncased_-1_seeds0_dvec.pkl (the dves generated from bert-base-multilingual-uncased, last layer, using seeds pair set #0.).
      • seeds/: The seed pairs used to generate the dvecs.
      • SimplePPDB: The SimplePPDB dataset for evaluation, containing pairs of words/phrases.
        • test.csv: The processed test set.
        • val.csv: The processed validation set.
        • raw/: The raw data before processing. You don't need to worry about this.
      • SimpleWikipedia: The SimpleWikipedia dataset for evaluation, containing pairs of sentences.
        • test.csv: The test set.
        • val.csv: The validation set.
        • raw/: The raw data before processing. You don't need to worry about this.
    • formality/: The data for formality extraction (the file structure is the same as complexity/).
      • GYAFC: This dataset is proprietary and cannot be publicly shared. You can request access to it here.
    • intensity/: The data for intensity extraction (the file structure is the same as complexity/).
    • figurative/: The data for figurative extraction (the file structure is the same as complexity/).
    • concreteness/: The data for concreteness extraction (in development).
  • output_dir/: The directory to save model predictions. Each feature has one subdirectory.
  • source/: Source code.
    • utils.py: Utility functions for the entire project.
    • dataset/: Dataset preprocessing / splitting scripts.
      • extract_data.py: Extract pairs of texts from the raw data files. When you add a new dataset, you should add into this file. See detailed comments in the file.
      • split_data.py: Split the extracted pairs into (train/)dev/test sets. When you add a new dataset, you need to minimally modify a few arguments in this file. See detailed comments in the file.
      • utils.py: Utility functions for dataset processing.
    • configuration/: model configuration.
      • configuration.py: the Config class. See the definition of each field in the init() funciton.
      • config_files/: the configuration files for each model. Each feature has a subdirectory (e.g. complexity/), and there is also another subdirectory for combined features (combined/). The file name is in the format of {model_name}.json, e.g., bert-base-multilingual-uncased_0_layeragg_seeds7_max.json.
    • model/: The model scripts.
      • model.py: The model classes: GoldModel (the gold baseline), FreqFeaturizer (the frequency baseline), and LexicalFeaturizer (our model). See detailed comments inside.
    • predict/: The prediction scripts. See detailed instructions in the Usage section below.
      • predict.py: Run the model to make predictions on a dataset. Output will be saved under ouput_dir/.
      • logs/: Log files for running the bash scripts.
    • evaluate/:
      • evaluate.py: Evaluate the model predictions with accuracy score.


Before running a script, you should modify the HF_HOME variable in it (if present) to the path of your HuggingFace cache directory. This path should have large enough storage (for a lot of Huggingface model checkpoints).

Add a new feature / dataset

  1. Make relevant folders under dataset/ and put the new raw dataset there.
  2. Modify the extract_data.py and split_data.py files to extract the clean pairs from the raw dataset and split them.
  3. Make sure that the resulting files are named test.csv and val.csv, and are in the same format as the other datasets. See data/complexity/SimplePPDB/test.csv for an example.
  4. If needed, write seed pairs for the new feature and put them under data/{feature}/seeds/. See data/complexity/seeds/seeds_7.csv for an example.

Add a new configuration / Modify the model

  1. To add a new configuration (e.g. hyperparameter combination), make a new file under source/configuration/config_files/ with a new name {model_name}.json. See complexity/bert-base-multilingual-uncased_0_layeragg_seeds7_max.json for an example. You can define some new fields as needed (if so, you should modify the configuration.py file as needed to add them to the Config class.)
  2. Modify model/model.py accordingly.

Make predictions & Evaluate the model

Run source/predict/predict.py with the specified arguments (see the file for details). The output will be saved under output_dir/ and the accuracy will also be printed to stdout.


cd source/predict
mkdir -p logs/complexity/SimplePPDB/val
nohup python predict.py --feature "complexity" --dataset_name "SimplePPDB" --split "val" --model_name "bert-base-multilingual-uncased_0_layeragg_seeds7_max" > logs/complexity/SimplePPDB/val/bert-base-multilingual-uncased_0_layeragg_seeds7_max.log 2>&1 &


Predictions saved to output_dir/complexity/SimplePPDB/val/bert-base-multilingual-uncased_0_layeragg_seeds7_max.csv.
Model: bert-base-multilingual-uncased_0_layeragg_seeds7_max
Accuracy: 0.837

It's recommended to use nohup since some experiments take long.

Evaluate existing predictions

If you already run predict.py but forget the accuracy, you can run source/evaluate/evaluate.py with the specified arguments (see the file for details) to get it again. The result will be printed to stdout.


python evaluate.py --feature "complexity" --dataset_name "SimplePPDB" --split "val" --model_name "bert-base-multilingual-uncased_0_layeragg_seeds7_max"


Model: bert-base-multilingual-uncased_0_layeragg_seeds7_max
Accuracy: 0.837


If you find this repository useful, please cite our paper:

    title = "Representation of Lexical Stylistic Features in Language Models' Embedding Space",
    author = "Lyu, Qing and Apidianaki, Marianna and Callison-Burch, Chris",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 112h Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics"

Funding Acknowledgements

This research is supported in part by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via the HIATUS Program contract #2022-22072200005. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA, or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation therein.