
ACME webhook for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

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ACME webhook for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

This solver can be used when you want to use cert-manager with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as a DNS provider.





Follow the instructions using the cert-manager documentation to install it within your cluster.

OCI-DNS Provider

From local checkout

helm install --namespace cert-manager cert-manager-webhook-oci deploy/cert-manager-webhook-oci

Note: The kubernetes resources used to install the cert-manager-ocidns should be deployed within the same namespace as the cert-manager.

To uninstall the webhook run

helm uninstall --namespace cert-manager cert-manager-ocidns

Issuer Configuration

The webhook custom configuration (everything that appears below "webhook" in the ClusterIssuer) contains the following information:

	CompartmentOCID       string `json:"compartmentOCID"`
	OCIProfileSecretRef   string `json:"ociProfileSecretName"`
	OCIProfileSecretKey   string `json:"ociProfileSecretKey"`
	UseInstancePrincipals bool   `json:"useInstancePrincipals"`
	OciZoneName           string `json:"ociZoneName"`

This defines the OCI DNS client connection information required to communicate with an OCI DNS Zone that can answer CertManager DNS01 challenges.

OCI Authentication

OCI authentication methods and data are determined in the following sequence:

  1. From the OCIProfileSecretRef if it is defined
  2. From the UseInstancePrincipals flag

The currently supported (and utilized) method by Verrazzano is via the OCIProfileSecretRef.

The OCI authentication type and credentials are populated from the secret defined by OCIProfileSecretRef, and OCIProfileSecretKey defines the key in the secret data holding the credential information.

The secret must

The secret format allows for both OCI user_principal (API Key) and instance_principal authentication. See the OCI SDK documentation for details on OCI authentication methods.


The following example creates a ClusterIssuer for the Let's Encrypt Stating environment for the zone/domain myzone.example.com in OCI DNS:

Let's Encrypt ClusterIssuer

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: verrazzano-cluster-issuer
    # The ACME server URL
    server: https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
    email: me@somedomain.com
      name: verrazzano-cert-acme-secret
      - dns01:
            groupName: verrazzano.io
            solverName: oci
              serviceAccountSecretRef: oci
              serviceAccountSecretKey: "oci.yaml"
              ocizonename: myzone.example.com
              compartmentOCID: ocid1.dns-zone.oc1..aabbcc...

Create a certificate

Finally you can create certificates, for example:

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha2
kind: Certificate
  name: example-cert
  namespace: cert-manager
  commonName: myhost.myzone.example.com
    - myhost.myzone.example.com
    name: letsencrypt-staging
  secretName: example-cert


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