Go Fiber Web Framework Demo

A Simple application to explore some of the features of using Fiber to build micro-services.

The goal is to be able to demonstrates the following:

  • Handling routes that are fixed, parameterized, or optional
  • Server static files (images, .js, .css, etc)
  • Using middlewares for logging, auth, etc
  • Calling out to other services like a DB and keyvalue store
  • Handling DTOs


Evolve the directory structure as needed. Commit small changes that demonstrate a feature or a goal.

Getting Started

This project uses 'go-task' to make it easier to rerun the app during development. It also have tasks defined to build Docker image and start dependent services using Docker Compose.

Setup and Installation


  1. Go toolchain: https://go.dev/dl/
  2. Code Editor or IDE:
  1. Docker: https://docker.com
  2. Go-Task: https://taskfile.dev/installation


  1. Git: https://https.gitscm.com
  2. DB managment tool


In the project directory, run the following to watch for changes and rerun the task.

task -w dev


Use the task 'up' to both build the Docker container and then start the application with all depending services.

task up