allbranded supplier API

Authors: Tomas Račys
Paulius Sladkevičius
Version: 1.1 of 2023-09-06

To be able to import necessary information to allbranded systems, you should provide XML files based on XSD schemas.

XSD files have a data structure, including documentation of elements.

Access to XML files should be provided via HTTPS.

Please validate every XML file with XSD before providing the feed to us.

Product Data


Change log

Version Date Comments Authors
1.1 2024-02-08 Update "EANCode" type from T_NotNullString to xs:string Aleksander Milinkevich

Decoration Types & Pricing Data


Change log

Version Date Comments Authors
1.1 2023-09-06 Rename DecorationTypes.xsd to DecorationTypesPricing.xsd Paulius Sladkevičius

Stock Data


In case you've any questions, please contact your point of contact.