- 1
- 2
enableMic() | failed:DataCloneError: Failed to execute 'structuredClone' on 'Window': #<Object> could not be cloned.
#309 opened by deadman962011 - 1
- 1
Error: no a=ssrc lines found
#303 opened by duyjack - 1
Allow createEncodedStreams on PCs without encodedInsertableStreams parameter
#299 opened by kjvenalainen - 1
- 1
Remove DOM TypeScript type
#279 opened by ibc - 1
- 19
DOMException: Failed to execute 'structuredClone' on 'Window': #<Object> could not be cloned.
#290 opened by PatricioPoncini - 2
- 2
- 12
- 8
- 2
'awaitqueue' reports an error after upgrading to version 3. There is no problem with version 2.
#287 opened by panhezeng - 3
- 1
ua-parser-js will change license to AGPL
#284 opened by shinyoshiaki - 1
DOMException: Failed to execute 'setRemoteDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set remote offer sdp: Failed to add remote stream ssrc: 901813733 to {mid: 7, media_type: video}
#281 opened by appamvenkatesh - 4
Expose Transport Connection API
#278 opened by HexaField - 2
Make types.ts export only types and not classes
#273 opened by ibc - 3
Detecting ICE connection that will never connect
#253 opened by ArmorDarks - 0
producer.close() throws unhandled rejection if called when PeerConnection's signalingState is "closed"
#274 opened by ibc - 6
Unable to send video from iOS when using the latest version of react-native-webrtc, which only supports Unified Plan.
#251 opened by filipi87 - 2
React Native producer localId is null
#263 opened by quanli168 - 1
Replace bowser dep
#262 opened by palashgo - 1
- 1
Make the implement of Transport simple?
#259 opened by richmonkey - 1
#258 opened by GitHub-xinxin - 1
Make `appData` no longer read-only
#254 opened by alexciarlillo - 4
pipeTransport connected but audio does not play
#256 opened by moein9gh - 2
- 7
- 2
Must support `a=rtcp-fb:*` when checking RTP capabilities
#239 opened by ibc - 1
Number of googTracks under mediasoup-demo continues to increase when entering and exiting a room frequently
#238 opened by kingpeter2015 - 3
Frequent joining and quitting meetings will cause the memory of chrome browser to continue to grow
#236 opened by bingofree2015 - 14
Mediasoup client is synchronizing all the producers even if they belong to different streams
#233 opened by ggarber - 12
Transport `connectionstatechange` event mismatch
#232 opened by ezioda004 - 9
- 1
Missing observer event on DataConsumer/DataProducer
#230 opened by havfo - 7
Support react-native-webrtc version 1.106 +
#221 opened by guoqikai - 1
Update deprecated uuid@3.4.0
#229 opened by jorodi - 3
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 11
- 3
Use Progressive Enhancement/"Mustard cutting" rather than UA sniffing to determine feature support
#218 opened by barlock - 2
- 2
Firefox 96+ version dont send video stream
#205 opened by mpbikc - 1
- 1
transport.on('connect have call back which crashes my react native application when i execute it what would be the problem?
#197 opened by ndotie