
It contain codes for various Online Judge for practice questions and other comp. - Code Chef, Spoj, Hacker Rank

Primary LanguageC++


This project is for adding your programming problems solutions in various programming languages on different programming platforms.

It contain codes for various Online Judge - CodeChef,Hackerearth,Codeforce, Spoj, HackerRank,etc.

The files are named according to the problem name. You can find links to the problem on the first line of most files.

Note : Please do not misuse these codes. You will only be cheating yourself. This repo can be used for reference.


  • Fork this Repository using the button at the top
  • Clone your forked repository to your pc
  • Create a new branch for your modifications (ie. git branch new-problem and check it out git checkout new-problem and git checkout -b new-problem)
  • Add your profile page in Students\
  • Add your files (git add -A), commit (git commit -m "added myself") and push (git push origin new-user)
  • Create a pull request
  • Star this repository
  • Wait for Pull Request to merge
  • Celebrate - you've done your first pull request!!

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