Displays Discord Guild statistics for members, bots, roles, channels, assigned member roles, invites, bans, reactions, stickers, and scheduled events counts.
This is a rewrite in Typescript of my original GuildStats
- Guild statistics for:
- Total members count
- Total bots count
- Total roles count
- Total channels count
- Total invites count
- Total bans count
- Total reactions count
- Total stickers count
- Total scheduled events count
- Assigned member roles count
- Updates at an interval every specified minutes or relies solely on Discord event triggers
- Supports multiple Discord servers
- Log level filtering
- Export/dump of specified guild statistics
- Locales to specify custom naming of channels
- Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/versx/DiscordGuildStats
- Install packages:
npm install
- Copy example config:
cp src/config.example.json src/config.json
- Fill out config options.
- Build project in root folder:
npm run build
- Run:
npm run start
- Pull latest changes in root folder
git pull
- Build project in root folder:
npm run build
- Run
npm run start
// Discord Guild Statistics
"dumpStatistics": {
// Determines whether to dump Discord guild statistics every interval.
"enabled": false,
// The statistics data to include in the dumps.
"data": [
"members", "bots", "roles", "channels",
"invites", "bans", "reactions", "stickers",
"scheduledEvents", "memberRoles"
// File name of the statistics dump. Leaving the `fileName` blank/empty
// will default to the date. (i.e. `2023-09-15.csv`)
"fileName": "dumps.csv"
// Logging configuration.
"logs": {
// Log level to filter logs by.
// Available values:
// - trace (log everything)
// - debug (only log debug, info, warnings, and errors)
// - info (only log info, warnings, and errors)
// - warn (only log warnings and errors)
// - error (only log errors)
// - none (disable logging)
"level": "info",
// Log color dictionary.
"colors": {
// Normal text
"text": "#ffffff",
// Variables
"variable": "#ff624d",
// Dates
"date": "#4287f5",
// Errors
"error": "#ff0000"
// Delay between each channel update in milliseconds.
"sleepBetweenChannels": 250,
// Delay between each guild update in milliseconds.
"sleepBetweenGuilds": 3000,
// Discord bot activity status.
"status": null,
// Discord bot token.
"token": "<DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN>",
// Update interval in minutes. Specify `0` will only rely on
// Discord events to check for Discord guild changes.
"updateIntervalM": 15,
// Discord servers to include for updating statistics.
"servers": {
// Discord guild ID
// Descriptive name for Discord guild. (not actually used, just for your reference.)
// Channel ID for member counts.
"memberCountChannelId": "00000000000001",
// Channel ID for bot counts.
"botCountChannelId": "00000000000002",
// Channel ID for role counts.
"roleCountChannelId": "00000000000003",
// Channel ID for channel counts.
"channelCountChannelId": "00000000000004",
// Channel ID for invite counts.
"inviteCountChannelId": "00000000000005",
// Channel ID for ban counts.
"banCountChannelId": "00000000000006",
// Channel ID for reaction/emoji counts.
"reactionCountChannelId": "00000000000007",
// Channel ID for sticker counts.
"stickerCountChannelId": "00000000000008",
// Channel ID for scheduled event counts.
"eventCountChannelId": "00000000000009",
// Roles assigned to Discord members.
"memberRoles": {
// Channel ID for specific roles statistic count.
// Role IDs to include in statistic.
"roleIds": ["<DISCORD_ROLE1_ID>"],
// Text/name of channel for role statistic.
"text": "Administators"
// Channel ID for specific roles statistic count.
// Role IDs to include in statistic.
"roleIds": ["<DISCORD_ROLE2_ID>"],
// Text/name of channel for role statistic.
"text": "Moderators"
// Channel ID for specific roles statistic count.
// Role IDs to include in statistic.
"roleIds": ["<DISCORD_ROLE3_ID>"],
// Text/name of channel for role statistic.
"text": "Supporters"
- Not specifying a channel ID (i.e.
) for a statistics count in the config will omit that statistic from being updated. - Not specifying a file name for the guild statistics dump will use the date (i.e.
) by default. - Specifying
will disable the interval timer and only rely on Discord events to check for Discord guild changes.