
Billboard and statistics page for RealDeviceMap https://github.com/realdevicemap/realdevicemap

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node.js CI Lint

GitHub Release GitHub Contributors Discord



  1. Clone repository git clone https://github.com/versx/RDMopole2
  2. Install dependencies npm run update
  3. Copy config cp src/configs/config.example.json src/configs/config.json
  4. Create a Discord bot at https://discord.com/developers and enter the botToken, clientId, and clientSecret in your config.json
  5. Fill out config vi src/configs/config.json
  6. Create or copy your existing geofences to the geofences folder. One geofence per file, the following is the expected format:
    [City Name]
  7. Run npm start
  8. Access via http://machineip:port/ login using your Discord account


  1. git pull
  2. Run npm run update in root folder
  3. Run npm start


If you want to host your images locally where RDM-opole2 resides, change your pokemon and eggs image urls to something like the following:
Pokemon Id is always 3 digits i.e 007, 047, 147 although form will be whatever the form number is i.e 12, 195, 4032 etc

"images": {
    "pokemon": "https://mygod.github.io/pokicons/v2",
    "eggs": "../img/eggs/%s.png"

PM2 (recommended)

Once everything is setup and running appropriately, you can add this to PM2 ecosystem.config.js file so it is automatically started:

module.exports = {
  apps : [
    name: 'RDM-opole2',
    script: 'index.js',
    cwd: '/home/username/RDM-opole2/src/',
    instances: 1,
    autorestart: true,
    watch: false,
    max_memory_restart: '1G',
    out_file: 'NULL'