doInit() function does not factor in environment specific settings
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softwarepsychology commented
doInit() should factor in environment specific settings in order to create vertx_classpath.txt.
Suggestion: Change doInit() function to something along these lines....
def doInit() {
File cpFile = new File("$projectDir/vertx_classpath.txt")
if (!cpFile.exists()) {
//modified for intellij build outputs
String resourcesPaths = "";
sourceSets.main.getResources().getSrcDirs().each {
resourcesPaths += "${it.path}\r\n"
String defaultCp =
"bin\r\n" +
sourceSets.main.output.classesDir+"\r\n" +
sourceSets.test.output.classesDir+"\r\n" +
cpFile << defaultCp;
def args = ['create-module-link', moduleName]
Starter.main(args as String[])