- 1
- 4
Gradle template hangs in test target
#22 opened by brettwooldridge - 2
fatJar is not working properly with gradle 1.12
#27 opened by dparshin - 1
fatjar does not work with gradle 2.1
#34 opened by softwarepsychology - 0
Incompatibility with Gradle 2.1
#32 opened by RowanKaag - 0
- 0
groovy version for class compilation
#28 opened by cazacugmihai - 0
maven.gradle is not working with gradle 1.12
#26 opened by dparshin - 0
copyMod does not copy all files from the processResources task output
#24 opened by softwarepsychology - 2
- 0
Extend runMod tasks
#8 opened by purplefox - 2
Running project with ./gradlew runMod does not properly serve static content
#18 opened by raffaelschmid - 1
Classpath and scripts loading issue
#9 opened by nikhilgk - 5
- 1
gradle template project does not work on Windows
#16 opened by bedonath - 3
- 8
runModIDEA does not exist
#20 opened by robertjchristian - 1
- 1
Dependency problem (commons-lang)
#12 opened by kastork - 1
Errors with ./gradlew test
#6 opened - 4
Log4j not found
#7 opened by pschuegr - 5