- 4
Updating Snakeyaml to v2 has a breaking API
#161 opened by wilhaddenIBM - 1
- 0
Remove databind use vault
#155 opened by vietj - 4
- 4
Cannot read config file when upgrading to 4.3.3
#151 opened by alinaeftn - 0
- 2
Update Doc relate to additional formats or move implementations to core-lib META-INF/services
#145 opened by riojano0 - 0
Vertx 4.2.1 Redis ConfigReader issue
#141 opened by tijom - 0
Support for kubernetes as a vault auth backend
#139 opened by vinayak03 - 1
- 0
Allow hierarchical parsing for system properties
#129 opened by Traderjoe95 - 0
- 8
config().getString is not perfect
#124 opened by sunqb - 3
- 9
- 3
Be able to parse Consul values on read
#71 opened by Addvilz - 6
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while reading hierarchical properties file with comments
#81 opened by akuznetsov-gridgain - 0
Update to typesafe config 1.3.4
#117 opened by vietj - 4
ConfigRetriever possibly responsible for 'Multi threaded access request' failures
#113 opened by UglyHobbitFeet - 1
- 2
Invalid docs for ConfigRetriever
#112 opened by UglyHobbitFeet - 2
- 2
Add HTTP Header to Http Configuration retriever
#102 opened by ukr15 - 1
- 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown configuration store implementation: spring-config-server
#106 opened by oylshe1314 - 1
- 3
- 10
- 0
Default config should be loadable from classpath
#99 opened by vietj - 7
- 6
[Git config store] Username & password authentication config is overridden by idRsa
#67 opened by Trumeet - 1
- 0
#97 opened by vietj - 0
- 0
Add firstScanDelay to Retriever.configStream
#94 opened by indiketa - 2
Add support for Vault KV-v2 api
#85 opened by kadary - 0
Unresolved directives in Kotlin documentation
#82 opened by jvmtomte - 0
- 2
Can't use multiple stores
#65 opened by pgh70 - 3
[Git config store] META-INF conflicts
#64 opened by Trumeet - 1
- 1
- 1
OpenJDK11 does not build
#58 opened by vietj - 1
CI build error
#59 opened by vietj - 5
TOML Support
#49 opened by LyndonArmitage - 5
Spring Config Server: wrong overriding order
#54 opened by jpiecuch - 0
- 0
Add the ability to validate the configuration
#51 opened by cescoffier - 2
- 9