- 2
Documentation-Issue (maybe)
#321 opened by nikodemusP - 7
Result Set for CLOB TYPE with non ASCII character
#257 opened by hungnt1997 - 0
- 2
- 1
Broken Batch logic with Oracle in Vert.x 4.3.5+
#310 opened by u-ways - 1
Vert.x JDBCPool x Agroal x MS-SQL - Issue with stored procedure that does "nothing" (The statement must be executed before any results can be obtained.)
#311 opened by wilnie - 1
`SqlOperations` doesn't properly support binary data
#315 opened by dtwitty - 15
- 1
Vertx-jdbc-client createshared with unique Datasource pool name for each verticle sometimes picking up other datasource credentals with same database with different user access
#320 opened by kavitha186 - 6
Make agroal the new default pool implementation
#264 opened by siwee - 0
Honour JDBC pool lifecycle operations with non-blocking SQL client connection pool
#314 opened by vietj - 1
More accurate error information:` Need to fetch more data from DB` or support More DataTypes
#312 opened by laglangyue - 2
- 3
Unsupported access properties in SQL metadata java.sql.SQLException:Parameter metadata not available for the given statement
#294 opened by shenzhenMirren - 1
#308 opened by bardiademon - 1
- 2
- 1
- 0
Reading timestamps from PostgreSQL
#299 opened by jehatz - 0
Supplement HikariCP parameters
#298 opened by imperio-wxm - 0
"Try coerce value" debug log spam
#297 opened by miggonaut - 25
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
JDBC Oracle and Timestamps
#292 opened by nikodemusP - 19
- 0
- 0
JDBCCallabe execute does not return the result set when use with HSQLDB Stored Procedure Cursor.
#284 opened by cristian-joseb - 6
- 0
Some JDBC not working properly with getObject(pos, cls)
#282 opened by FDoKE - 0
whether SQLClientTemplates supports the IN statement
#279 opened by halower - 4
JDBCPool usage breaks on 4.3.0
#277 opened by dustContributor - 0
Badly parsed oracle rowid
#269 opened by akoniar - 11
JDBCClient client returns postgres TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMPTZ columns in wrong format
#263 opened by ashertarno - 1
Rewrite tests with test containers to avoid mixing embedded db threads and vertx threads and fail mostly on CI
#237 opened by pmlopes - 4
SQL generator
#270 opened by Xpecya - 6
IllegalArgumentException: Type:-101 is not a valid value. when using TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
#248 opened by klas3000 - 5
[regression]JDBCClient with date on error
#250 opened by Fyro-Ing - 3
ResultSet failed to load JsonObject with custom type
#246 opened by glassfox - 4
- 0
JDBCSQLRowStream hangs
#253 opened by ruslansennov - 3
Thread Blocked using MySql Connector/J
#251 opened by iamrenny - 1
RowStreamWrapper: zero-day bug
#244 opened by ruslansennov - 0
- 0
New pooled client handles stores procedures differently then deprecated client.
#240 opened by javadevmtl - 4
- 3
JDBCpool setting setIdleTimeout is not valid
#238 opened by shenzhenMirren - 4
- 1
#232 opened by haakonn