- 5
- 0
Reconnect Attempts - ignoring previous channel.basicQos(1) and setting Default prefect count is 0
#219 opened by bkoripalli - 1
How to operate a delay queue
#184 opened by flyGetHu - 0
- 0
Trust all option does not work anymore
#185 opened by vietj - 2
RabbitMQClient#restartConnect does not fail promise on retries configured to zero
#157 opened by damsgaard - 2
Documentation bug
#138 opened by XSpazzayX - 1
- 2
RabbitMQ Client doesn't support ssl in vertx 3.9.x
#160 opened by bkoripalli - 1
Converting RabbitMQOptions to json
#139 opened by XSpazzayX - 0
ConnectionEstablishedCallbacks don't work with Vertx codegen (and hence not with rx)
#145 opened by Yaytay - 20
[Regression in 4.0.0] RabbitMq consumer does not reconnect to non-durable queues when rabbit crashes
#116 opened by oscarfh - 1
- 1
- 1
- 5
Message encoding
#89 opened by barmic - 1
Allow to set a name for connections
#130 opened by BorisNaguet - 1
More information when invalid rabbitmq uri
#81 opened by binout - 19
- 8
Only one channel per connection
#78 opened by amorozow42 - 2
No error is reported if basic.publish failed due to a non-existent exchange or permissions issue
#123 opened by Ultranium - 6
Auto create of queue
#107 opened by m-jayson - 0
RabbitMQOptions needs inheritConverter - JSON cannot be used to configure RabbitMQ
#112 opened by YaytayAtWork - 5
Cannot build on windows due to cacert bind
#113 opened by Yaytay - 7
Publishing messages when server is down results in lots of threads and connections
#90 opened by Yaytay - 2
No support for ConfirmListener
#91 opened by Yaytay - 7
SSL option for client
#69 opened by lanmarti - 1
Add TLS support
#108 opened by greatbadness - 0
Provide a reliable message publisher
#94 opened by Yaytay - 1
Thread blocked when client try auto recovery
#103 opened by nintha - 0
Improve future returning methods
#102 opened by vietj - 1
cause Not connected
#97 opened by wenfer - 0
Client queueDelete method provides AMQP.Queue.DeleteOk async result instead of JsonObject
#85 opened by vietj - 0
Client queueDeclare method provides AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk async result instead of JsonObject
#84 opened by vietj - 0
RabbitMQMessage should reuse RabbitMQ BasicProperties and Enveloped instead of wrapping them
#86 opened by vietj - 0
#87 opened by vietj - 0
- 0
- 0
Use test containers instead of AMQP Cloud
#79 opened by cescoffier - 0
Update client version to 5.4.2
#75 opened by vietj - 0
- 5
Stop client consumer issue
#71 opened by spydevil - 3
- 0
- 0
Upgrade rabbitmq client version
#60 opened by Sammers21 - 4
add more docs
#57 opened by cazacugmihai - 9
Consume queue as a stream
#53 opened by vietj - 2
- 6
rabbitClient.queueDeclare bug??
#49 opened by laudylcp - 4
future complete not called after reconnect in RabbitMQClientImpl.start
#50 opened by derekjwashington