- 0
Catch all error handler
#2632 opened by code-brazier - 2
SockJS Event Bus Bridge does not keep web sessions alive for clustered session managers
#2600 opened by cgm-aw - 2
- 8
ChainAuthHandlerImpl#postAuthentication throws NPE
#2611 opened by halber - 4
Weird behaviour using Virtual Threads
#2665 opened by MYDIH - 0
- 0
Add `Accept` header to 415 reponses
#2663 opened by komape - 1
- 4
- 4
CSRF validation fails because CSRFHandler updates the session AFTER the session is already flushed
#2599 opened by haizz - 4
openapi-router: Unsupported media type "application/octet-stream" but OpenApi 3.1.0 supports it
#2636 opened by sebveit - 6
- 4
ChainAuthHandlerImpl#postAuthentication throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
#2641 opened by andrei-tulba - 2
Used VM option to config vert.x deployment option, But setter invoke method is Unreachable.
#2643 opened by EasonLyo - 5
- 1
- 5
HTTP 1.0 request causes "Unhandled exception in router"
#2629 opened by b8b - 3
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 5
Exeptionhandler not working correctly
#2625 opened by Freetoplay951 - 1
GraphQL: Combination of request batching and Automatic Persisted Queries fails
#2622 opened by jellenelis - 1
Request to add localstorage-functonalities
#2620 opened by IBPrivate - 2
oauth2 should not redirect (HTTP 302) XHR requests
#2591 opened by bfreuden - 1
Can't handle http2 errors in StaticHandler AsyncFile
#2580 opened by cavallium - 0 does not release the connection when invoked in SEND_REQUEST phase
#2593 opened by SpikeBlues - 2
absoluteURI is null when host header is missing
#2596 opened by rmartinc - 1
- 2
Vertx web randomly returns 404 error for certain POST requests even though for other similar requests it returns 200
#2609 opened by sjmittal - 0
- 3
- 1
WebClient: NPE on misformatted Date or Expires header
#2594 opened by tsegismont - 4
`WebClient.close()` does not return a `Future` or wait for resources to be released
#2578 opened by mcanalesmayo - 5
- 3
Possibility to close connection
#2579 opened by jebl01 - 2
Web Client post request may not complete if connection is closed during upload
#2562 opened by tsegismont - 3
[vertx-web-openapi-router] Can't add an authentication handler to a route that uses a validator
#2535 opened by lukasjelonek - 0
- 1
- 2
Integrate WebClient with Service Resolver
#2570 opened by tsegismont - 1
Unable to set cookies when receiving websocket connection
#2565 opened by lfmunoz - 0
Automate GraphiQL build
#2563 opened by tsegismont - 10
- 2
WebAuthn questions
#2559 opened by FroMage - 1
Document MVEL limitation regarding file resolution
#2549 opened by tsegismont - 4
MVELTemplateEngine bug
#2544 opened by ItEnkoa - 1
- 1
Builders for GraphQL handlers
#2531 opened by tsegismont - 1
GraphiQLHandler mounted as subrouter
#2528 opened by tsegismont