Tools to help to install and manage an Odoo installation.
The installation scripts assume the host OS is Ubuntu 22.04. Usage on other systems might require tweaking to work.
Note! If this install fail, uninstall Odoo and install Odoo again!
Installation of Odoo and Odootools.
Ensure you are using the version (eg branch 16.0 for Odoo 16) you want to install.
When you are logged in with the root-account. Run the following command.
Step 1: The command below will download and execute the installation script:
wget -O- | bash
Step 2: Add users with these commands: Add userser
sudo adduser $USER
sudo adduser $USER sudo
sudo adduser $USER odoo
admin_passwd = Silanxi9Oo23
db_password = Silanxi9Oo23
In Terminal, go to psql and run the following query:
1) sudo su postgres
2) psql
3) create user odoo with password 'Silanxi9Oo23' superuser;
4) ALTER USER user_name WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';
5) odoorestart
Step 3: Follow the instructions for the management of the Odoo source repositories
Step 4: If you want to add more than the standard themes please add them from here
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
wkhtmltox : Depends: libssl1.1 but it is not installable
22.04 har libssl 3.02 och är alltså ej bakåtkompatibelt med libssl 1.1
Solution: "feisalramar" writes a 5-step guide at this URL:
If you are developing new features for odoo tools bash scripts and need to verify your changes or test them, please move them to the profile.d folder and verify their functionality.
cp /etc/profile.d/
cp odooscaffold.tar.gz /etc/odoo/
then restart the bash instance, make sure your changes are working correctly, before pushing the changes.
Use the command below to uninstall your Odoo installation.
this drops your databases and all your data related to Odoo
wget -O- | bash
go to terminal and:
pip uninstall pyopenssl
pip install pyopenssl==22.0.0
pip uninstall cryptography
pip install cryptography==37.0.0
Odoo-tools command | Description |
alldbs | Lists all databases |
allprojects | Lists all projects |
cdb | change database |
cdo | Shortcut: /usr/share/core-odoo/addons$ |
cdp | Shortcut: /usr/share$ |
odooaddons | Updates the addons_path with all project according to ODOOADDONS defined in These are stored here: |
odooadminpw | view master password |
odooallrequirements | Loop through all projects installing / updating requirements.txt |
odoocheckmodule | lists databases that use a module (eg odoocheckmodule sale) |
odoocheckdeps | Helper script that is primarally intended to find missing dependencies. Can easily be extended to also show dependencies/consequences |
odoocreatetestdb | Creates new database without e-mail-settings for outgoing mail |
odoofind pattern | find patterns in odoo-core source code |
odoogitclone project | clones and installs projects from githuh (vertel-projects) |
odoogitpull | does a git pull for every project in ODOOADDONS |
odoolangexport | export po/pot file for a module, -m -d -l . To export a pot-file exclude "-l" |
odoomodules | List all installed modules in a database |
odoopsql | Open database in psql-mode |
odoopatch | Implements patches from the directory /etc/odoo/patch.d |
odoorestart | Restarts odoo and apache/varnish or other systems that have to be restarted (configure in |
odoosetperm | Sets permissions for all projects and modules |
odoosyncall -h host | Syncs all projects and modules |
odoosync -h host -p project | Syncs a project to a server without git meta data |
odooscaffold -p project -m modulename | Creates a boilerplate for new modules to work from |
odootail | Views odoo-log live, you can use the one-liner odoorestart ; odootail to restart and monitor odoo |
odooupd -h/--host, -P/--port, -d/--database, -m/--module, -p/--password, -l/--list, -i/--install, -u/--uninstall | Modifies Odoo-instanses; -m/--module= comma separated module list, -i/--install install or upgrade modules -u, --uninstall uninstall modules, -c/--check coma separeted module list |
odooupdm database modulelist | Installs/updates modules in single user mode. For example: $ odooupdm customer_db1 base |
odoovilog | Opens Odoo log file in vi |
You can change the line
export ODOOHOSTS=""
to change the autocomplete for odootools commands that has a target host.
Type this command
user@odoo16server:~/odootools$ .
to load new or update current odootools commands to the Terminal.