I would like a shared configurable repo-list on the server
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As a server-admin, I want to have a consistent server environment on all our servers where we have a projects database installed, to reduce the number of errors due to different codebase.
The current behaviour of Odootools:
The current design creates a folder in the users' home library where a "/odootools/repos"-directory is added.
This directory is the "recipe" for which repositories odootools fetches when we do "odooaddons but and "odoogitpull".
On a shared server (development, test or production) we want a lot of repositories installed on the server. In this case, we want "all repositories". We then create an "install-all-module" where we define which modules we depend on in this database, and this makes it easy to display them in the "technical tab" inside Odoo.
But in many cases, we might want to change the repository list compared to the one in the Odootools-repo.
When I change mine and my collegue changes theirs - we will end upp with differences.
Add a shared "recipe" for each database on the server.
- a list of [minimum] repos to be on the server
- a list of installed modules (pick only the most distant from "base" if you want the list short).
- add a new odooupd-"script"/"command" with the arguments [database] [base]. It performes: [odooaddons, cloneall, allrequirements, odoogitpull, odoorestart, odooupdm] and will create an updated odoo-datbase with the current code.