
Multicore and utility functions for Seurat 2 & 3, using doMC / foreach packages.

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Multicore functions / parallel implementations plus speed optimized & utility functions for Seurat 2 & 3

Multicore functions & implementations for Seurat using doMC / foreach packages. Implementations are either from me or found on the web.

This repository now serves 4 main purposes:

  1. Multicore read/write/save/load/compress functions (Seurat3.Multicore.Read.Write.R)
  2. Multicore implementation of single core functions via foreach / dopar (Seurat.Multicore.Examples.R)
  3. Legacy functionality for Seurat v2.x (Seurat2.Multicore.Functions.R)
  4. Other functionalities are in (Seurat3.Multicore.Generic.Functions.R, Seurat.Functions.other.R)

Notice: most of the non-multicore functionalites were migrated to Seurat.utils`

Use case

Some Seurat functions can be fairly slow when run on a single core. To speed up you can use all cores of your computer.

  • Seurat 2.x has very limited multicore functionality (ScaleData, Jackstraw).
  • Seurat 3.0 has implemented multiple functions using future.
  • Functions here use a foreach based parallel implementations/templates are mostly complementary to the implemented to Seurat's implementation

Tested on OS X, but it is in development.


'Future' and 'doMC (foreach)' based parallelisation seem to collide in one case. If you load futures before, using NormalizeData inside a foreach loop, it fails (Error writing to connection).

Solution: do not load & setup future before NormalizeData.

# After NormalizeData
plan("multiprocess", workers = 6)
# So to set Max mem size to 2GB, you would run :
options(future.globals.maxSize = 4000 * 1024^2) 


  1. Download (clone) this repo locally,
  2. change the file path in each .R script (to where you keep them on your computer), and
  3. source("~/path/to/Seurat3.Multicore.Load.R") (Make sure you also change the path's inside this file):

Alternative: Directly source each .R script from the web, e.g:



!! Notice: most of the non-multicore functionalites were migrated to https://github.com/vertesy/Seurat.utils !! Notice: Consequently, content now changed

  1. Seurat3.Multicore.Read.Write.R:
    1. Multi-core / parallelized read/write/save/load/compress functions
  2. Seurat.Multicore.Examples.R
    1. Single-core functions wrapped in multi-core / parallelized foreach loops
  3. Seurat2.Multicore.Functions.R
    1. Legacy functionality for Seurat v2.x
  4. Seurat3.Multicore.Generic.Functions.R
    1. Multicore
  5. Seurat.Functions.other.R:
    1. Other functionalities


1.Parallel Implementation

  • FindAllMarkers.multicore
  • rrRDS: read a list of objects
    • rreadRDS: optionally parallel decompression of saved object by pigz_pipe
  • sssRDS: save a list of objects
    • ssaveRDS: parallel compression of saved objects by pigz_pipe
      • snappy_pipe: fast single-core, loose compression
      • pigz_pipe

2.Parallel templates with foreach

  • CreateSeuratObject
  • saveRDS
  • readRDS
  • FilterCells; subset (in v3)
  • NormalizeData

3. Parallel Implementation by Seurat (3.1)

  • NormalizeData
  • Jackstraw (from v2)
  • ScaleData (from v2)
  • FindMarkers
  • FindIntegrationAnchors
  • FindClusters

4. No Parallel Implementation

  • RunTSNE
  • RunUMAP

5. Other functions implemented / collected here

Functions in main script

!! Notice: most of the non-multicore functionalites were migrated to https://github.com/vertesy/Seurat.utils

  • parallel.computing.by.future() # Run gc(), load multi-session computing and extend memory limits.
  • seu.Make.Cl.Label.per.cell() # Take a named vector (of e.g. values ="gene names", names = clusterID), and a vector of cell-IDs and make a vector of "GeneName.ClusterID".
  • add.Cl.Label.2.Metadata() # Add a metadata column
  • umapNamedClusters() # Plot and save umap based on metadata column.
  • clip10Xcellname() # Clip all suffices after underscore (10X adds it per chip-lane, Seurat adds in during integration).
  • make10Xcellname() # Add a suffix
  • read10x() # read10x from gzipped and using features.tsv
  • FindAllMarkers.multicore() # Multicore version of FindAllMarkers.
  • gene.name.check() # Check gene names in a seurat object, for naming conventions (e.g.: mitochondrial reads have - or .). Use for reading .mtx & writing .rds files.
  • check.genes() # Check if genes exist in your dataset.
  • fixZeroIndexing.seurat() # Fix zero indexing in seurat clustering, to 1-based indexing
  • getMetadataColumn() <- mmeta # Get a metadata column as a named vector
  • getCellIDs.from.meta() # Get cellIDs from a metadata column, matching a list of values (using %in%).
  • seu.add.meta.from.table() # Add to obj@metadata from an external table
  • seu.PC.var.explained() # Determine percent of variation associated with each PC
  • seu.plot.PC.var.explained() # Plot the percent of variation associated with each PC

Functions in Saving.and.loading.R

  • isave.RDS() # faster saving of workspace, and compression outside R, when it can run in the background. Seemingly quite CPU hungry and not veryefficient compression.
  • isave.RDS.pigz() # faster saving of workspace, and compression outside R, when it can run in the background. Seemingly quite CPU hungry and not veryefficient compression.
  • isave.image() # faster saving of workspace, and compression outside R, when it can run in the background. Seemingly quite CPU hungry and not veryefficient compression.
  • subsetSeuObj.and.Save() # subset a compressed Seurat Obj and save it in wd.
  • seuSaveRds() # Save a compressed Seurat Object, with parallel gzip by pgzip
  • sampleNpc() # Sample N % of a dataframe (obj@metadata), and return the cell IDs.
  • rrRDS() # Load a list of RDS files with parallel ungzip by pgzip.
  • sssRDS() # Save multiple objects into a list of RDS files using parallel gzip by pgzip (optional).
  • ssaveRDS() # Save an object with parallel gzip by pgzip.
  • rreadRDS() # Read an object with parallel ungzip by pgzip.
  • snappy_pipe() # Alternative, fast compression. Low compression rate, lightning fast.
  • pigz_pipe() # Alternative: normal gzip output (& compression rate), ~*cores faster in zipping.

Functions in Seurat3.plotting.Functions.R

  • umapHiLightSel() # Highlight a set of cells based on clusterIDs provided.
  • qUMAP() # Quick umaps
  • multiFeaturePlot.A4() # Save multiple FeaturePlot from a list of genes on A4 jpeg
  • multiFeatureHeatmap.A4() # Save multiple FeatureHeatmaps from a list of genes on A4 jpeg
  • plot.UMAP.tSNE.sidebyside() # plot a UMAP and tSNE sidebyside
  • sgCellFractionsBarplot.Mseq() # Cell Fractions Barplot for MULTI-seq. sg stands for "seurat ggplot".
  • ssgCellFractionsBarplot.CORE() # Cell Fractions Barplots, basic. sg stands for "seurat ggplot".
  • sgCellFractionsBarplot() # Cell Fractions Barplots. sg stands for "seurat ggplot".
  • ww.variable.exists.and.true() # Check if a variable exists and its value is TRUE.
  • save2umaps.A4() # Save 2 umaps on A4.
  • save4umaps.A4() # Save 4 umaps on A4.

Other functions

  • multiFeaturePlot.A4
    • multi-core implementation (of generating plots) did not work: it kept hanging at n*100% cpu use.
  • multiFeatureHeatmap.A4
  • LabelPoint
  • LabelUR
  • LabelUL
  • LabelBR
  • LabelBL
  • read10x