Olay Ufku is a schema registry for BigQuery.
You need Erlang & Elixir installed on your system. Minimal Erlang/OTP version should be 18.0.0. Minimal Elixir version should be 1.4 or greater. You can install Elixir via:
$ brew install elixir
After installing Elixir you need to update hex package management:
$ mix local.hex
After that you need to fetch Phoenix framework tooling:
$ mix archive.install https://github.com/phoenixframework/archives/raw/master/phx_new.ez
Fetch the dependencies inside the directory:
$ mix deps.get
Export related environment variables:
$ export SECRET_KEY_BASE=SomeStringThatIsLong # Optional
$ export GCP_PROJECT=gcp-project-id
$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/credentials.json
Run the server:
$ mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
"Olay Ufku" is Turkish translation of term "Event Horizon" which ain't a direct borrow from Quantum Mechanics but Ray Kurzweil's Singularity definition.
To me, the concept of the Singularity as a “wall” implies a period of infinite change, that is, a mathematical Singularity. If there is a point in time in which change is infinite, then there is an inherent barrier in looking beyond this point in time. It becomes as impenetrable as the event horizon of a black hole in space, in which the density of matter and energy is infinite.
– Ray Kurzweil