
ImMathWriter, an open source offline math formula OCR app.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A desktop application which takes an image of math formula and return corresponding LaTeX code.

This project used the following open source projects:

The usage

  1. Download the release version from Releases
  2. Run the executable file
  3. Capture an image of the math formula into clipboard (shift + win + S on windows platform)
  4. Click the "Convert formula from clipboard" button and wait for the result
  5. Copy the Tex result to the clipboard.

The screenshot


Development Notes

This application is really quick dirty hack based on hendradarwin/imgui cef-support branch. It's not a well-structured project.

build step:

  1. Clone the project
  2. install python dependencies: follow the instructions from hugging face
  3. pip install pyinstaller
  4. step into example_sdl_opengl2 folder, run python export_onnx.py to save the onnx model in local folder
  5. run pyinstaller texocr_pix2tex.spec to package up the python script and onnx model
  6. download cef_binary_3.3578.1860.g36610bd version cef prebuild archive from Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) Automated Builds, and unzip it into thirdparty/cef
  7. use cmake build the project with vcpkg
  8. copy the packaged texocr_pix2tex program into target build folder


  • hotkey
  • support rendering math formula in other font
  • support other platforms
  • trim down the dependencies and python package size


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.