Official native Python client for the Vertica Analytics Database.
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Converting vertica data types into pyarrow types
#565 opened by ni-todo-spot - 1
wrong logging retrieval code
#556 opened by lipengyuan1994 - 1
String values are concatenated somewhere
#553 opened by akariasmorum - 3
- 1
Query returns something other than what query asked for - possible error message not parsed?
#550 opened by rzvcs - 1
- 3
Make default connection label meaningful
#537 opened by scherepanov - 7
Unexpected message: RowDescription
#536 opened by nicolaerosia - 1
Supporting complex data types
#469 opened by oualib - 6
Python version support
#529 opened by scherepanov - 3
Custom string decoder
#448 opened by akariasmorum - 1
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BUG 1.3.3 version - copy from local broken
#523 opened by barloc - 0
database doesn't return protocol version
#517 opened by romanesko - 4
doesn't support behind proxy
#510 opened by kranthikirang - 10
'utf-8' codec can't decode byte
#493 opened by azdobylak - 12
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SSL dh key too small error
#507 opened by regalme - 4
Errors in Invalid SQL should be warnings
#500 opened by btruong66 - 3
Unable to connect to vertica in fips mode
#505 opened by MichaelSPacocha - 0
Support client_os_hostname
#499 opened by scherepanov - 3
Inserting complex data types
#484 opened by codingadvocate - 0
Connection Loggers Leaking Memory
#476 opened by Firbydude - 3
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Error Position
#472 opened by akariasmorum - 2
Poor performance reading in large number of rows
#470 opened by mwlon - 1
socket.timeout: timed out
#466 opened by raebralop - 3
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cursor.execute ignores some query errors
#465 opened by AKryukov92 - 2
cursor.copy silent failure
#456 opened by eugene-rozman - 2
- 0
Potential Error during decoding backend messages
#457 opened by stamch13 - 2
How safe is it to use datatypes module?
#455 opened by vladpy8 - 2
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Have issue when insert data with double qoute and use_prepared_statements=False
#438 opened by p0m1d0rka - 2
Add type hints to public API
#434 opened by jannisko - 0
Do we have a doc with all the connection options?
#435 opened by oualib - 2
Disconnected at 7200 seconds
#413 opened by mattberns - 2
A query with multiple statements should return the results of the last statement not the first one
#426 opened by edoven - 2
Increase the usage of augmented assignment statements
#425 opened by elfring - 7
Trying to insert a varchar value of length more than the actual defined length of the column does not throws an error
#424 opened by moledoc - 2
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NameError: name 'message' is not defined
#419 opened by oualib - 0
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need Keep-Alive...queries killed at 60 minutes?
#410 opened by mattberns - 3
Missing dependency binaries for ARM64 architecture
#408 opened by odidev - 1