A Docker for rclone that adjusts bandwidth limit to accomodate for remote plex stream quality of service.
docker create \
--name syncwatch \
-e SERVER_TOKEN={Put your Plex Token Here} \
-e SERVER_NAME={Put your server name here} \
-e BW_MAX={Maximum Bandwidth in KBs}
-e BW_FLOOR={Lowest BW setting in KBs}
-e BW_FACTOR={Factor to multiply plex stream by to get amount BW is reduced}
-v <where you want your config>:/config \
-e TZ="US/Eastern" \
-v /volume1:/volume1 \
-v /volume2:/volume2 \
docker exec -it syncwatch rclone copy --rc -v /volume1/Media "Remote:Media"
You must enable remote control with the --rc flag.
Alternatively you could just run the syncwatch.py script on your machine to monitor rclone sessions there if you don't want to run the docker.
It's located in the syncwatch folder...