
A dockerized version of the sof-elk project

Primary LanguageShell

Dockerized Sof-ELK


I decided to make Sof-ELK in a dockerized deployment stack to make it:

  • Easier to deploy
  • Scalable
  • Easy to add additional services such as file managers to uploads logs to
  • Easier to manage persistent data


Run the stack

# Set up directories
mkdir elasticsearch-data filebeat-data
chmod 777 elasticsearch-data filebeat-data
# Bring up the stack
docker-compose up

Note that the stack will take a few minutes to come online depending on your hardware. A few microservices will fail to start and restart until elasticsearch and logstash finish initializing.


Then to access kibana and droppy, access the following URLS. They are load balanced and sent to the appropriate microservice through docker and traefik.

BASE_URL by default is localhost.

  • droppy.BASE_URL - Access online file browser
  • kibana.BASE_URL - Access kibana

Data streams

If you want to add data streams into logstash, you simply need to open the ports to the logstash microservice. In docker-compose.yaml add ports to the ports section for the streams you want to allow in. All the streams that are available are defined in the sof-elk/configfiles/*-input-* files.


The following describes how the dockerized sof elk was built. It does not have every feature in sof-elk (like the included dashboards)...yet!

I basically went to each of these files in the VM


And I replicated their equivalents (with correct hostnames and such) in the respective elk_config/ configs.

The following steps were taken to set up sof-elk from the sof-elk config repo

  • Copied sof-elk/lib to sof-elk/lib
  • Copied sof-elk/conffiles to sof-elk/conffiles
  • Copied sof-elk/grok-patterns to sof-elk/grok-patterns
  • Copied sof-elk/supporting-scripts to sof-elk/supporting-scrips
  • Copied lsplugins from sof-elk/supporting-scripts/ls_plugin_update.sh to the plugin install command in the docker-compose.yaml for logstash
  • Added logspout.conf to sof-elk/conffiles for logspout
  • Changed all sof-elk/conffiles/*output* to contain this output line (for correct elasticsearch host)
hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
  • See docker-compose.yaml for mounting of each folder inside each container and environmental variables

Future Work

  • Add cron jobs to docker just like VM for updating things like geoip etc. sof-elk/supporting-scripts/*.cron
  • Add ELK dashboards from sof-elk
  • Add geoip support