
Fetching data

Install twurl and jq. Authenticate with Twitter using:

twurl authorize --bearer --consumer-key your-consumer-key --consumer-secret your-consumer-secret

then fetch tweets about different crypto currencies ($ETH, $NEO, $VET etc.) by running:


This will do multiple Twitter search queries and convert the results to JSONL files where each line contains one tweet and it's metadata (like the retweet count of that tweet).

Training with Prodigy

Install Prodigy.

Install SpaCy language model with:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

and start training with seed words defined in spam-seeds.jsonl with:

prodigy textcat.teach twitter_spam en_core_web_sm ./alltweets.jsonl --label SPAM --patterns ./spam-seeds.jsonl

When you've done enough teaching, quit Prodigy and run training:

prodigy textcat.batch-train twitter_spam en_core_web_sm --output twitter-spam-model --eval-split 0.2

This will create training and evaluation sets and SpaCy model in twitter-spam-model folder.

Training with CatBoost

Install dependencies with pipenv.

Run to train CatBoost with training set from Prodigy:

pipenv run python

Deploying to Kubernetes

Create configmap

.env file needs to contain following values:

Those can then be deployed to Kubernetes with:

kubectl create configmap shared-env --from-env-file=.env