
Custom Editors and Controls for Unity

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Custom Editors and Controls for Unity


ScriptableObject Inspector

Adds Select and Search buttons to the header.
Custom inspectors for ScriptableObject types should inherit from this type.

Script Inspector

Adds a Search button to the header for ScriptableObject and MonoBehaviour scripts.

When overriding these inspectors, as of 2022.2 UIToolkit is the default inspector.
If you use IMGUI, override CreateInspectorGUI and return null.

Animator Inspector

Adds the Avatar bone selection interface to the inspector for humanoid Animators.


Prefab Search

Used by the Script Inspector to search for prefabs containing a certain component.

Serialized Property

Adds functionality to the property right-click menu.
Arrays: Reverse and Clear.
Blend Shapes: Copy Name and Copy Index.


  • Edit/Gizmos/
    • Disable All Icons
    • Enable All Icons
    • Disable Scripts Icons



Add the OpenUPM registry

  1. Open Edit/Project Settings/Package Manager
  2. Add a new Scoped Registry (or edit the existing OpenUPM entry):
    Name: OpenUPM
    URL:  https://package.openupm.com/
    Scope(s): com.vertx
  3. Save

Add the package

  1. Open the Package Manager via Window/Package Manager.
  2. Select the + from the top left of the window.
  3. Select Add package by Name or Add package from Git URL.
  4. Enter com.vertx.editors.
  5. Select Add.

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